A chain full of memories

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"Come in!" Niragi swung the door open and let Kuina, Hinata, Ann and me in. I immediately looked for Shuntaro, but unfortunately, I couldn't spot him.

What bad luck...

"Keep your ears stiff, little one, your prince is coming soon," Niragi informed me with a grin and I stuck out my tongue at him before sitting down next to Kuina on his couch. In fact, I had been here before.

Yesterday Shu and I helped him decorate and rearrange the apartment a little.

According to Niragi, eleven guests (including me) were expected today. So far there have only been the three of us here and...

Eww, my eyes.

Niragi seemed to be ingratiating himself with Hinata - in a very aggressive way.

Damn, they'd only known each other for three minutes and were already touching each other's clothes? That could be fun.

The bell rang and the "birthday child" opened the door, only for me to see two strangers, but also somehow familiar people, enter. A young man with messy hair and a young woman with shorter, straight hair. They came into the living room and bowed formally.

"I'm Arisu Ryohei," said the male companion.

"And I'm Usagi Yuzuha," the woman introduced herself and we smiled at them.

"Pleasant! My name is Kuina!" said my friend next to me.

"I'm Daiki Hinata!", ah, so she had broken away from Niragi, great.

"Ann Rizuna," the forensic scientist looked at her, which seemed to put Usagi off a little.

"I'm Hayashi Ayuna, please call me by my first name," I ended the small group introduction and they finally sat down with us.

Then small conversations began. In the meantime, Obiki and his friend Kanjiro joined us, but Shuntaro was still missing after half an hour.

I checked my cell phone again and again, but no message had arrived.

Kind of weird, right?

When the doorbell rang again, I was hopeful, but it still wasn't him. Instead, two new people stood in front of us.

One face among them looked familiar: Aguni. He gave me a short nod.

Next to him was a pretty girl, she had a prosthetic leg. I liked how strong she seemed.

Afterwards, I learned that her name was Heiya Akane. We quickly fell into a conversation about the future and poetry, which she seemed to be very interested in.

So, when the doorbell rang again, I no longer had any hope.

But when I heard Shu's voice, I jumped up, excused myself briefly and then went into the hallway where he was talking to Niragi.

Shuntaro then looked at me and smiled briefly. "Sorry for the delay," he said, "I still had something to do."

Niragi just grinned and gave us a thumbs up before leaving us alone. I took my boyfriend's jacket while he squeezed out of his shoes.

"Busy day?" I asked and he nodded. Unlike us, his duty at the hospital wasn't over and he had to work today, even at the weekend.

That's just how it was if you wanted to be a doctor...

"Are you coming?" he asked as he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the living room. There he greeted the other guests before sitting on the couch and pulling me into his lap. At first, I was a little embarrassed because many people looked at me with grins, but after a short time I felt more comfortable than ever.

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