The first step towards truth

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Every step taken in life has consequences in the future.

I had been afraid to even take a step in a different direction.

Fear is a strong emotion. It's oppressive and prevents you from doing anything. Who knows, maybe that was the excuse I used to tell myself.

"It will get better. Eventually you will be loved the way she is loved."

It was naive, I knew that.

A wrong decision.

I had to go through it alone... I had to experience, painfully, that this wish had never come to pass.

I was the black sheep of the family , they told me, everything would have been better if I hadn't been there.

You can imagine the weight these words had on a little girl.

I had built this wall to prevent anyone or anything from getting in. And now he had torn it down. He had pulled me back down to earth.

Was I ready to finally rebel?

I had the perfect prerequisite: she was alone. She was not supported by her mother and father, who had always protected her. It was my chance to finally find peace within myself. The last twenty-one years had passed, they could no longer be changed, but I would take back my future, my here and now.

I would no longer sit still and watch as she took everything from me again. I had grown, but at the same time I had exceeded my own limits. I was no longer the little Ayuna who fought against everything just to avoid having to stand in the fire.

I grabbed my hand and played with the old bracelet. It was a start. I knew that wearing the new thing that Chishiya had just handed me would annoy her. And so I opened the clasp, took it off and put the new one on my wrist.

It felt different somehow, unfamiliar and easy.

I picked up the other one and looked at it one last time. Hatter probably wanted to get it back. I would give it to him later.

Then I pushed myself up from the ground and followed Chishiya into the building . The air immediately became stale again and I wrinkled my nose at the smell that greeted me. I slowly went down the stairs, looking again for the blonde head of hair - but of course he was no longer here. Maybe it was better that way.

I would go to my room for now, no matter what happened.

When I entered the hallway I almost laughed. Ayumi was still standing in front of the door, but seemed pretty annoyed. Apparently she was so desperate that she actually took the time. I didn't even know this behavior from her.

My inner feeling told me to turn around, but I didn't want to break my promise. I finally wanted to take the first step.

When she heard my footsteps, she turned around. Her face twisted into a grimace.

"Well finally," she came towards me and wanted to grab my wrist. But when she saw the new bracelet, she stopped. "10?" she spat out the word contemptuously, "That can't be right, you must have stolen it!" She wanted to grab the bracelet, but I was faster. She reached into the void.

"Give it to me! It was meant for me! Niragi had promised me that I would get it!", she was suddenly the little, spoiled girl again. You couldn't tell that she was the same age as me.

"I didn't steal it," my voice was colder than I intended. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" she wanted to know. Her aura was suddenly dangerous and goosebumps ran down my spine. I repeated my statement and watched with some relish as her face turned slightly red. Damn, why did it feel so good to finally open my mouth?

"You little bitch! A useless figure like you doesn't deserve to be better than me! Act like you always do, stupid! What are you doing!? You know exactly where you stand ! What are you thinking about going against my words?!" the words tumbled out of her mouth. She was jealous, no question.

"Have you forgotten what I told you? That you will be sorry if you go against me? ", she suddenly had a grin on her face again.

That was the card she wanted to pull now? I crossed my arms. What I was about to say was risky. But it was completely worth it.

"Ayumi," I stared straight into her eyes, "Face it... I've changed, I don't want to be involved in this ridiculous argument anymore! Think about it: I have the support of many members of the leadership team. Do you think you can overcome the consequences just because you slept with Niragi?" Her face fell, my words took effect. "And how many times have you done it with Hatter, if I may ask? He looks at you as if he would like to undress you immediately," these words hit the mark even more. She lunged forward and punched me in the face. This reaction was to be expected, but I wasn't expecting it. For a brief moment I saw stars before my eyes, but then I swung and... hit too.

She stumbled backwards, clutching her chin where I had hit her. She looked stunned. I was still looking at her, my gaze piercing her.

From the audience it must have looked like a ridiculous kindergarten argument, but once you were involved you could see how deep the roots of the problem actually run.

"I was so naive to let you terrorize me like this for the last few years. Damn it! I've had enough of your behavior and your personality! I hate that you always have to take everything from me! Be sure of what you give me this time, I'll take it back. Whatever the cost," I walked past her, "And you won't stop me, understand? I can fight too - and I damn well will do it, If things continue like they are now!" She glared at me. I opened my bedroom door, walked through and then closed it.

"You bitch! Be careful, you'll regret this so much!" she screamed so loudly that it could definitely be heard in the lobby.

I breathed out. The first step was taken. It felt so good! Why hadn't I dared to do it before?

Because a certain young man had not seen into my soul before.

I rubbed my left eye where her fist had hit me. That was worth it to me. I would sleep damn well that night. Who knows, maybe a new chapter would really open up for me now...

Now all I had to do was figure out how to get my identity back without causing chaos. I was sure he knew which way I should go. But of course he wouldn't tell me, he would rather observe.

Like he always did.

I collapsed onto my bed and snuggled into my pillow. My eyes closed as soon as I threw the blanket over my body. I didn't care at all that I was still wearing the white dress from the game. I was exhausted and just wanted to relax. First of all, I had all the time in the world because my visa wasn't going to expire any time soon.

And so it happened that sleep wrapped its hands around me and fortunately gave me a dreamless rest.

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