A nasty game

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The next few days were quiet.

I met with Asahi-kun numerous times, and to my luck, he opened up more and gave me details that I could work with.

However, Yura-chan gave me a headache again. The next day she refused her food once more, just like the days after. Not only Chishiya but also other doctors were slowly racking their brains.

So a solution had to be found quickly.

I got to know other patients, but they didn't need any further care, which is why my daily routine looked rather sparse.

Visiting two of my three patients, putting together treatment plans, learning and reading up, that was all I could do.

Today I finished early again. I still had a good four hours ahead of me, which I now had to fill somehow.

I sighed and dropped my head on the table.

"That bad?" asked Obiki, who entered the room at the exact moment, and I looked at him. He grabbed a bottle of water from the employee fridge and took a sip before leaning against the kitchen counter and eyeing me curiously. Then he started grinning.

"You've got something on your forehead," he said and I looked at him confused before pulling out my phone and turning on the front camera. He burst out laughing when he saw my face.

Great, it was clear... he had tricked me. Why did I always have to be so gullible!?

"Very funny," I rolled my eyes before releasing my hair from the tight ponytail and letting it hang loosely. My scalp groaned with relief.

"What else are you up to?" I wanted to know and Obiki pushed himself off the counter.

"I have to go to Yura-chan now. She's getting her lunch. Do you want to come with me?" he asked me and I nodded.

It looked like I was going to have something to do now.

We set off together. As we reached the hallway, I noticed two people dressed smartly. They were talking to a nurse who pointed in a familiar direction.

Room 205 .

"Uh, Obiki-kun? I'll follow soon, okay?" I asked him and he nodded at me confused as I walked away in the same direction as the two adults.

I noticed the young nurse's gaze at my back and decided to explain it to him in peace later, but I just had no time now.

In fact, the two adults had already disappeared into Sarumi-chan's room. I heard the woman's voice as soon as I was at the door.

"When are you going to start acting normal again, Asami?"

The question threw me off track a little.

"It's just getting embarrassing. I don't know what else to tell my business partners! They're developing a negative image of our family!"

Oh no... Those words, they stabbed me in the heart. I knew of a similar conversation, one that had taken place in the past.

A lot of things became clear to me now.

Sarumi Asami was trapped in the same hole in which I had once stranded.

I now had an even stronger desire to help her. But where should I start? The problem wasn't her...

It was someone else...

"Pull yourself together, child. You're healthy, realize that and stop playing these childish games!"

I wanted to knock on the door to silence the painful words.

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