Against all expectations

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I felt an unpleasant tingling sensation as I entered the apartment building.

Emotions collided and created chaos that I couldn't sort out.

I hoped he was there - I wished he was there with all my heart. I didn't want to be alone; he gave me what I had been missing my whole life.

Calmness and order.

I felt safe with him, he saw me as a whole person.

Climbing the stairs was extremely difficult for me. I had false hopes that weighed heavily on my shoulders.

Step by step, floor by floor and then... then I arrived.

My hand placed itself on the door handle, I hesitated for a moment before carefully opening the door.

It was completely silent in the apartment - the silence gave me goosebumps.

He wasn't there anymore, was he?

I crept down the hallway because the fear of making loud noises overwhelmed me.

However, when I entered the living room, all my worries suddenly disappeared.

There he laid - on the mattress that we had lifted into the living room together - and seemed to be sleeping. His face scrunched up every now and then, so he must have been dreaming.

The inner calm returned, and I collapsed onto the sofa so as not to wake him. Such a sight of Chishiya was rarely or never seen. I tried to store the image deep in my memories.

His closed eyes, the mouth that wasn't twisted into a sneer for once... He looked vulnerable - and I suspected that he was trying to hide that vulnerable side from everyone for fear of losing everything.

Chishiya, what are you hiding behind your facade?

I leaned back and stretched my tired limbs. The next few days I would have to get some new clothes, mine had been soaked in blood during the game and I didn't feel like walking around with a hole in my left side.

Now there was only one last question - what should I tell the man in front of me: did I leave out details, did I tell nothing or everything?

Rather, I asked myself how he might react. If I was honest, I was afraid he would laugh at me. I knew the wound was my own fault, it had been a stupid mistake. And yet I didn't want him to rub it in my face again. It was enough that Joshua had done it.

But knowing Chishiya, he would find out that something had happened anyway. I'd be interested to know when he noticed it.

I turned my gaze back to the man, who suddenly began to rustle. It probably wouldn't be long before he woke up. So, I watched as he slowly changed sleep phases.

And then he opened his eyes. His brown pupils scanned the room until they settled on me. He frowned before sitting up and stretching his tired limbs. "When did you come back?" he wanted to know quietly, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, I haven't had a real sense of time for a while now. But I haven't been here for long," I answered slowly, and he let his eyes wander over me. He was probably trying to get an overview of my condition. It felt like my clothes were suddenly transparent. Heat rose to the back of my neck and a kind of uneasiness overcame me.

"Where have you been? The airship already broke down last night", translated it meant something like 'I thought you had died'. I watched as he rose from the mattress and padded to the window. His hair was still a little messy.

Now it was up to me. The decision was due, what should I tell him?

"I met old acquaintances," he gave me one of his looks, "Let's put it this way. Aguni survived. He is now moving through the city with a young woman named Heiya Akane with the aim of defeating the King of Spades." He seemed to be processing the information.

"I also met Usagi. Unfortunately, she got separated from Arisu, Kuina and Ann. Tatta didn't make it, he died at the King of Clubs," I added, "Kuina is looking for us."

He turned to me. "And before that? What kind of game was it?" he asked, and I swallowed. Suddenly I was standing in a field full of thumbtacks. One wrong step and I would regret it bitterly.

"Well... It was the Jack of Spades, but you already knew that. The game was called Free the king. It worked in a similar way to the well-known schoolyard game," damn, he realized that there was more. I wouldn't be able to hold his gaze for long, so I stood up. I hadn't been here long, but I desperately needed some fresh air, or I would go crazy.

"I'm leaving now. We still need something to eat, and I want to get some new clothes," I cleverly talked my way out of the situation and then headed for the entrance area.

"You're limping," I heard him say before the door closed behind me.

Chishiya, you have set a record. I really didn't think you'd notice anything so quickly. Maybe I just misjudged you?

I slowly descended the stairs and then strolled down the street. Every now and then I stopped in front of shops and finally found what I was looking for.

It was already getting dark when I made my way back. There was a bang in the distance, and I saw the Jack of Diamonds' airship that was burning in the sky. One less game that we had to face.

The apartment came into view again, and I was aware that I would soon see the young man again. Maybe he had gone to a game again, it was a possibility that I didn't throw away.

A reflection of light pulled me out of my thoughts and focused my attention on one person. She stood in the shadow of a house and seemed to be watching me.

I immediately recognized who it was. My blood froze in my veins and suddenly I couldn't move anymore. I never would have thought that she had made it. But now Ayumi was standing there, her eyes looking at me disparagingly.

Don't be afraid anymore, Ayuna. She can't hurt you, you're stronger, remember?

So, I pulled myself together and looked her straight in the eyes.

Ice blue to poison green.

It was she who turned away first. She trotted away with shuffling steps, and I watched her closely.

It should have been a warning to me. I couldn't become careless now, otherwise she would strike - and perhaps others too.

It wasn't over yet, but I wasn't going to give up!

My past could no longer be cleared, but my future wasn't messed up yet!

I would finally beat Ayumi, no matter the cost!

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