An unreal reality

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"But I set fire to the rain, watched it pour as I touched your face..."

It's strange, isn't it?

How long has it been now? Four weeks? Maybe even five?

The meteorite caused a lot of damage.

I was extremely lucky, that's all I could say.

It had been a catastrophe of catastrophes the world had ever seen. A meteoroid that hit the most famous intersection in Tokyo, killing numerous people while injuring others.

I was one of the lucky ones who only suffered a serious injury.

My left side and leg had been impaled on steel beams. I had been lying among the rubble of my own home, my heart had been not beating for exactly a minute.

However, the first aiders were able to resuscitate me when they arrived.

I had kept my life - and when I thought about it, I was glad of it.

However, one feeling wouldn't let go of me. It was this memory that I just couldn't reach for. It was like I was missing something. It bothered me that I couldn't grasp it.

Something had happened. There was something I wanted to remember, it seemed important to me.

And then there was something else.

I had changed.

I had grieved over my sister's death, even though I hadn't cared before.

But the encounters with other people were much stranger. I constantly ran into strangers and felt like I knew them from somewhere. Just eye contact was enough to make me feel uneasy.

There was more to it, even if I didn't know what exactly it was.

But if I was honest, I didn't want to find out either. I had enough to do, I didn't need another task.

My phone beeped. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the notification panel. It was a text message from Kuina, my roommate at the hospital. We got along well, which is why we exchanged numbers when she was released.

Hey! How are you? I heard you're finally out of the hospital!

Yes, they finally let me go.

Nice! We finally must meet when we get the chance!

Yup! I'm with you on that. But I don't have time for the next few days :(

Let me guess, you're trying to catch up on the material you missed in college? Girl, you need to take a break, you've been at it for almost three weeks!

I know, mom! Don't worry, I'm almost done. But that's not what I mean, I'm having a conversation with my professor. And I'm still looking for an apartment :')

Have you done something wrong?!

I grinned slightly.

No, don't worry. I just want to discuss something. Because of my major. I'll go into another field.

Kuina seemed to be typing, the three dots appeared on my screen.

Don't say you want to do market science or something like that...

What do you think? Of course!

I grinned slightly as I sent the message, but quickly went back to typing.

Just kidding. I just want to change my field. From criminal psychology to medical psychology.

Damn! Then just let me know when you've time!

I sent her a thumbs up before putting the phone back in my pocket. First, I had to see that I could get a new, affordable place to live. I was already annoyed that I had moved back in with my parents. Exactly what I didn't really want to do.

They were also acting so strangely, so I wanted to get over it as quickly as possible. But now...

Now I would go to university, follow my lectures, and finally get back into everyday life. Who knows what the future held for me.

I set off again with a limp. Unfortunately, I had to walk, the subway wasn't working yet. The rail network was still under construction in this part of the city.

To be honest, I didn't have anything against it; somehow, I always got a queasy feeling when I went down subway shafts these days.

The large, modern building came into view, and I began to tingle. It felt good to finally be back!

I mingled with the stream of students and was practically pushed towards the main entrance until the crowd finally dispersed. I had to go to the third floor, where the medicine department was located, as well as the psychology department.

The stairs were a challenge at first and by the time I got to the top I was completely out of breath.

But I fought my way to my lecture hall, where I finally collapsed into my seat. I had my place next to the door.

Some of my classmates looked over at me. However, they weren't hostile looks, no, they were warm. Some smiled at me.

It made me think that they had been informed of my situation.

I opened my new laptop and opened a new document so I could take notes.

I then looked out of the room where I could see students walking past. I spotted a large group that was laughing as they walked across the hallway; they were wearing white coats. I assumed that the medical students from the last semester were in the house today. I knew from experience that they would soon be heading to their hospitals.

And then I saw a person who gave me a strange, melancholy feeling.

Light, platin hair tied into a braid.

A face that had no flaws whatsoever.

And those beautiful, chocolate brown eyes that were just lost in mine.

Wait... Wait... WHAT?!

I immediately looked down and an embarrassed blush rose to my cheeks. Oh no, he had caught me staring at him! I didn't even know the person, did I?


The strange feeling was there again, only this time stronger than usual. An almost sinking feeling spread through me.

"Oi, Chishiya-san! Are you coming?", the voice was a little further away.

A rough, melodic voice answered: "Yes, I'm coming."

Goosebumps ran down my spine. The voice did something to me that I couldn't understand.

"-san? Hayashi?" I was snapped out of my stupor when the person sitting next to me suddenly nudged me. She smiled slightly before handing me some papers. They were notes from the last few lessons. I thanked her and gave her another smile before I let my gaze wander back to the door.

But the mysterious young man was gone.

His name was Chishiya.

Why did the name sound so familiar?

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