Shameful thoughts

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A good two weeks had now passed since the incident. Two more weeks - then the study was over.

Normal everyday life returned pretty quickly. Fortunately, Yura-chan was allowed to leave the hospital.

I was also able to make significant progress with Asahi-san and Asami-chan. There had been a few other patients who I had cared for briefly, but otherwise my work had always been the same.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that something else had changed: the relationship between Chishiya and I was now a little...well...complicated?

I wasn't quite sure what we were now, but we were no longer colleagues or friends - it was too personal for that.

His comments that made me blush, the tingles he intentionally gave me when he got unnecessarily close to me, the teasing... It wasn't normal anymore.

Ann, Kuina and Hinata had told me that too when we talked about it one evening.

"Without question! This is love!" Hinata had enthused, looking at me with wiggling eyebrows. I blushed a little and hid my head in one of the pillows.

"He really turned your head..." said Kuina, who was sitting next to Ann while leisurely sipping her tea. I looked at her and she grinned briefly before I groaned.

Somehow they were right... I had suspected something like this since our conversation in my room, but I didn't think it would affect me so badly this quickly. The peak had probably been two weeks ago, when Sarumi-chan and I were walking down the hallway and I collapsed.

According to Obiki and Hinata's stories, Chishiya almost freaked out (although I really couldn't imagine that, let's be honest, he seemed more like a quiet guy).

Anyway, he had ordered an examination (which I didn't want, but he insisted on it) and what can I say? I still couldn't look him in the eyes.


Oh no, just the thought of it made me blush again... Why did he insist on staying in the room?

"Oh dear, Ayu, you're really under the curse of being in love, aren't you?"

Hinata's comment had made me wistful. She was right - but what if he didn't like me?

Then I was still at the feet of this curse and couldn't escape it.

"Why don't you just confess it to him, Ayu? Then you'll have it from your heart, the decision will be in his hands," it had been Ann who suggested it and I had seriously thought about this.

Was I willing to put my heart in someone else's hand?

Yes, I was.

Because I trusted him, because I knew he wouldn't mistreat it.

"B-But how? I can't even look at him right now..." I mumbled and hid my face in the soft material of the pillow again.

"Haaa? Just because he saw your breasts?" Hinata smiled and Kuina burst out laughing, "Just because his big, gentle hands felt up your upper body-"

The pillow hit my roommate right in the face. Ann snorted and I looked down in shame.

"Girl! You're even redder than a tomato! He's a doctor! Or are you imagining something more?", oh damn...

"Nooooo, right?" Hinata crowed and slipped off the sofa. I turned my back to the three women who couldn't contain themselves anymore.

"Damn, I didn't think you'd think like that, Ayu... My world view is destroyed!" Kuina hysterically held her hand to her forehead.

"Now leave the poor girl alone, Kuina, Hinata... Ayu?" Ann looked straight at me, "Get laid."

I choked on my tea and coughed vigorously, hoping to clear the hot liquid from my false throat.

"You're all impossible!" I huffed softly and sat back down on the sofa. Mental images slipped into my mind and I squealed softly, which only made the three others laugh even more.


"What do you suggest?" I asked when they had calmed down somewhat. The three thought about it.

"Why don't you make it a little interesting?" Kuina suggested first, "Knowing you, you won't be able to pronounce the words like that anyway, you're just not capable of it at the moment. "

One point for Kuina.

"I agree with her," said Ann, "I only know Chishiya from the visits when he was here, but he doesn't seem to be stupid. See how far you can go!"

One point for Ann.

"He's smart - so give him a task to puzzle out!", point for Hinata. Now it was up to me to connect these dots in a meaningful way.

"A riddle..." I thought and the tingling started again.

Should I really dare?

"You can do it," Ann said to me and I leaned back.

What could I say to him so that I wouldn't sink straight into the ground?

And when?

"Don't worry so much, girl. I know you, you've dealt with much worse things..." Kuina suddenly sat next to me and gave me support that I urgently needed.

"I know... I'm just excited..." I mumbled, "That's normal, right?!" The young woman next to me nodded and I immediately felt a little better.

"Just imagine what can happen when you get it over with," said Ann, "Then there's a 50% chance that you'll have some time together... Well, this grid doesn't suit you, the chance here is 75%, otherwise Chishiya would behave like he does now."

"Exactly! Ann is right, Ayuna! Just imagine what comes next," she leaned forward and her head was now right between mine and Kuina's.

"His hands would definitely love to explore your body again, don't you think? Imagine what he could do..."

"HINATA!!!" I squealed before hitting her face with a pillow again.

Damn, why did they have to tease me like that?

But I just loved them for that.

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