Words always have their truth

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I practically ran out of his room as soon as I woke up.

Was it some kind of protection mechanism? I have no idea, but I guessed so. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes when he woke up. Why? Because I suddenly felt embarrassed about how I had behaved.

So, I got dressed as soon as I woke up. I had even managed to leave the room without waking him.

Since I had nothing to do, I decided to look for my friend. Maybe she could decipher the emotions flaring within me.

I met her in the lobby, sitting in one of the wingback chairs. We had chatted for a short while, but despite my intentions, I left out the detail that I had stayed overnight at Chishiya's. She had looked very unhappy, which is why I wanted to spare her the conversation about love.

A pleasant silence quickly descended. I watched her calmly knitting a scarf and tried to suppress the butterflies in my stomach. Chishiya had repercussions even now...

"It's unusually quiet, don't you think?" Yuki said at some point, and I looked around. I also noticed this strange silence; it was as if the lobby was being deliberately avoided. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw the two girls who immediately looked at us as we entered. They quickly turned and ran off in another direction.

Something wasn't right.

Yes, it smelled really bad.

"They're avoiding us," I muttered and Sakusa nodded. She had already noticed it too.

"Come on, let's look for Kuina, I'm sure she knows more," she replied and pulled me up from the comfortable armchair. I groaned quietly before we walked through the halls together. Luckily, Yuki knew exactly where to look.

It didn't take long before we were standing in front of Kuina's door. My friend knocked, but there was no response.

"Funny, she's usually a late riser!" she murmured next to me, and I felt this oppressive feeling spreading through me.

"Here you are! It's lucky that I finally found you!", when one spoke of the devil, there she was.

"Kuina! Do you know-" I started, but she immediately interrupted me.

"You two have slipped into deep shit!", my heart sank when Kuina said that.

"What do you mean?", why did Yuki stay so quiet?

"A rumor since last night after our game... I don't know where it came from, but it's not good. Shit, Yuki! They say you hide the card in your room! And you, Ayuna! They accuse you of helping her with that!", Kuina looked like she was about to collapse from stress. And I honestly didn't feel any better.


Why would someone spread such a lie? "That's not true! I brought the card to the boardroom yesterday! I'm 1000% sure that I left it on the table there!" Yuki's face was pale, "It can't be... I didn't meet anyone - wait, I did! I ran into someone! You, Ayuna!" I shook my head.

"No! I was in the elevator with Kuina! And after that..." I was silent for a moment, "I was busy with someone else..."

"But I still saw you! When I waddled back to my room, I saw your blonde hair!" she tried to look behind the scenes. And with this statement she gave me the answer.


Oh, holy crap! I never thought she would be so bold! The warning, I should have taken it seriously! "Crap, crap, crap!" I swore and they both looked at me in surprise, "Damn, I should have been more careful. It was Ayumi! She threatened me that I would regret it!" Sakusa placed her hand on her forehead and took a deep breath.

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now