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Another patient was also discharged. It was a young girl who had been admitted a few days ago with a severe respiratory infection. She looked just as happy as Haru-kun when she saw Chishiya while he announced the good news to her.

Then I got to know the young adult patients under his care. It was a nineteen-year-old man who was now in the ward after a serious traffic accident. I noticed the typical signs of trauma as soon as we entered the room.

The twitching at loud noises, the slight trembling, sweating of fear and restlessness.

While the two men talked, I started a file on my iPad. I would most likely spend a lot of time with Asahi-san talking to him about his fears.

I didn't know if I was capable of solving his problems, but I wanted to try. After all, I knew what it felt like to be afraid of something. I knew how painful it hurt not to be able to talk openly about some things.

When Chishiya and I finally left the room, he looked at the clock. It had already been almost an hour.

"Now we have one more patient, then a short break where I discuss further things with Obiki and Daiki. Then there are a few more examinations to be done, but you don't have to accompany me to them. You are free to decide how you proceed," he explained to me up, "Oh yeah, the next patient is a little...wild. She's been here for two weeks now after being brought in malnourished. Just so you know."

Was that good or bad? What did he want to tell me?!

But I couldn't ask anymore because he opened a new door. A teenage girl was lying there.

It was again a single room; it seemed a little empty.

If I was honest, I hadn't even seen the patient at first because she was buried under numerous blankets. Only when Chishiya tugged at the fabric a little did the shock of black hair appear.

I was shocked when I saw the emotionless face. I saw no reaction in her eyes, her skin was pale and her lips were cracked.

Chishiya seemed to already know this because he still looked composed.

"Hello, Sarumi-san. I brought someone with me today that you might want to meet," he greeted her as he conducted the necessary examinations. I could watch her pupils turn in my direction and then give me a long look.

She seemed to be psychologically present, but I sensed that there was still a deeper problem here.

And there was something else.

This behavior was familiar to me. I could feel what was going on inside her.

It looked an awful lot like my youth.

It reminded me of when I was sixteen.

Suddenly I felt a little uneasy. It hurt when I thought back. Did I even want that? Was I ready to face my own past again?

"Get out," a cracking voice disrupted the peace, and I looked up. The girl was now sitting in her bed and looking at me with hostility. I thought I even saw a little fear in her eyes.

"What are you waiting for, bitch?! GET OUT!" she was almost screaming and I felt something hit me in the face - right under my left eye.

After this nice greeting, I didn't hesitate for a second and rushed out of the room, where I stood there, puzzled, for a brief moment.

What was that about? Had I done something wrong?

Maybe I had-

Suddenly, I felt my nose running.


A small, red drop fell onto the white floor and, frightened, I put my hand under my nostrils.

Very inappropriate, Ayuna. You're damaging the beautiful white floor... But honestly, who came up with the idea of laying white floors in hospitals?

I looked around frantically and spotted the sign for a toilet, where I quickly rushed into. Luckily no one was in the washroom.

I pressed paper towels under my nose and washed my bloody hand under the cold water.

I was lucky that no drop got on my clothes!

I looked in the mirror. There was a small, red spot under my left eye; that's where it must have hit me.

But what had she thrown?

Well, it didn't matter now, I couldn't undo what had happened.

I groaned when I saw that my nose was still bleeding. I quickly grabbed a new paper towel and pressed it under my nostril before thinking.

It had been a strange reaction. Chishiya hadn't even properly introduced me.

I guessed she had had an inkling of what kind of person I was and why I had accompanied the young doctor.

The behavior was strange.

I suspected she might have had a bad experience - but that didn't explain why she was freaking out.

The squeak of the door snapped me back to reality. "There you are, Ayu, Chishiya was already looking for you- Oh my god, is that blood?!" Hinata squealed when she saw the bloody paper towel. I almost had to laugh.

"What happened? He just mentioned that a patient had thrown something at you! I wouldn't have thought that he meant it literally!" she reached for a new paper towel and handed it to me. I gratefully accepted and changed the cloths. It was still bleeding, but not quite as much.

"How long has this been going on?" she wanted to know and suddenly seemed professional. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Five to ten minutes? I have no idea, but it's not that bad," I replied, waving my hand and trying to hold her stern gaze.

"We can go to the break room, it's not bleeding so much anymore. Come on," I finally said to escape the tense situation while I held the door open for her with one hand and we headed for the staff room together.

On the way I quickly wiped away the red drops from the sacred floor before we met Obiki and Chishiya.

Obiki raised his eyebrow when he saw the cloth, but he didn't ask any questions as he had to listen to Chishiya who was giving him specific instructions. I sat down in a chair and picked up my iPad.

I quickly wrote down what I knew about the teenager. I felt like every detail was important.

"Hayashi? Look at me," Chishiya drew my attention to him and I jumped in shock as he shone his flashlight in my eyes. I was about to complain, but he gave me the thumbs up.

"No concussion," he informed me and I rolled my eyes. Very funny...

"What did she actually throw at me?" I wanted to know and he started to grin.

"A plastic cup."

I felt like his grin got a lot bigger as he said the words.

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