Like the prey of a predator

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I just walked past Kuina and Chishiya when I finally reached the shore.

I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to hide somewhere and not come out until I had to play again. Just like that, I got back in the car, this time I was alone in the back seat. The other two followed quite quickly after collecting the card. Chishiya got behind the wheel, Kuina in the passenger seat.

I noticed her squinting at me every now and then, but I decided to just keep my mouth shut.

When I thought about it, I must have looked bad: wet, dirty, and blood running down my leg. For a brief moment I even imagined that a puddle had formed under my foot, but that wasn't true. I just seemed tired.

The journey was accordingly quiet.

When we arrived at the beach, the two of them disappeared in a different direction while I hobbled towards the main entrance. I didn't care, I just wanted to go to bed!

I crossed the lobby more stumbling than walking. Of course I was looked at curiously, but the looks quickly left me as I stopped in front of the elevator. I waited until the elevator was down and was about to get on when I heard a familiar voice.

Nope, not today!

I quickly pressed the button that caused the door to close again. The doors just closed, but I could still see his face. And he saw mine too, but he just grinned stupidly. I could strangle this guy if I had the strength and courage. Well, unfortunately I didn't have either, so it would probably stay with us.

What did Hatter call him? Niragi? I still wondered how Ayumi could hang out with him. Her common sense was really out of order.

The elevator door opened and I dragged myself into the hallway. I could hardly notice the last few steps to my room, I was suddenly so tired.

In my room I just threw myself on the bed. I could wash the bedding when I was fit again. And so I fell into a peaceful but then feverish sleep.


I didn't know how long I had been lying in my room, but I was woken up by a loud bang. Startled, I opened my eyes a crack and groaned as the light increased my already existing headache.

"Get up, sleepyhead!" I jumped when I heard the voice. Couldn't fate have a little more pity on me?

"What do you want Ayumi?" I croaked as I sat up. Everything hurt. I had sore muscles all over my body and my leg was throbbing.

"Don't be so rude, darling. Isn't it normal that I want to do something with my sister?" she replied and sat down on the small couch in front of my bed.

She was right, it would be normal for every sibling couple - but not for us. She wanted something from me, but I didn't yet know what exactly it was. It was more of a guess.

"Come on! Change your clothes. You look terrible, Ayuna! And then we'll go have lunch together, okay?" she batted her eyelashes playfully. She wouldn't accept a simple "no" so I'd probably have to go along with it. I was still too weak to defend myself against her. It drove me crazy, but there was just no other way. That's just how my life was, that's how it always had been.

Pretty stupid...

I grumpily dragged myself out of bed, grabbed the nearest bikini and a pair of swimming shorts that I had in the closet. I couldn't find my sweater anywhere, I had probably forgotten it at the location. Then I disappeared into the bathroom, where I took a shower. I cursed when only cold water came out of the tap and dripped into my wound, but it actually helped me finally clear my head.

After the shower, I quickly got dressed and braided my wet hair into a simple braid because I didn't feel like blow-drying it despite the electricity. Besides, I wanted to get things over with Ayumi as quickly as possible.

In fact, she was still waiting for me, much to my dismay. She linked arms with me and pulled me along forcefully - another indication to me that she was planning something. Every signal bell was ringing in me, but I let her guide me anyway. It was like magic, or rather a reflex that had become familiar to me over the years.

Her destination was the beach cafeteria, where we grabbed something to eat. It was nice to have something warm, but I didn't really have an appetite. Meanwhile, my sister was shoveling in her food and telling me how she got here. Apparently it happened at home, just as she was about to take a shower. The lights just went out, blah, blah, blah.

Just the way she described her story made me wonder how she made it this far on her own.

Just as I was about to put a spoon in my mouth, she leaned towards me. "Listen, Ayuna. I've built up a certain reputation here. You've probably already noticed," she stroked my arm with her long fingernails, "If you get the idea to uncover the truth, you will bitterly regret it, do you hear? Be a good girl like you always have been." The fingernails dig into my skin, and I flinched imperceptibly. Ayumi batted her eyes again. Then she let go of me.

I withdrew my hand and looked at the tabletop. A nasty trick she just used. She knew full well that the past was a sore spot for me. I clenched my fist and was about to stand up again when the room became unusually busy. A quick glance showed me why it was like that.

"Hey Hey , what am I looking at? The pretty blondes!" Niragi rested his rifle on the table and demonstratively leaned far down.

Not again! How unlucky did I have to be?

I wanted to bang my head on the table, but of course I didn't. Who knows what it triggered him. "I have to say, it would be extremely interesting to see how you two make yourselves in my bed. It must be really sexy to have fun with you. If you're interested in a threesome, get in touch," I shivered as he said that.

No thanks. I could do without that.

I felt uncomfortable in the situation I was in at the moment. It was as if two predators were standing in front of me - and I was the prey. Individually they should be treated with caution, but together they were life-threatening.

I definitely didn't want to end up on the wrong side.

"Excuse me," I squeaked, "But I have to go now." I pushed my chair back with a jerk.

"Oh Ayu! Don't be like that, it's going to be so fun!", she was enjoying my discomfort, I could see that in her eyes - they were practically glittering.

It was rare for her to use that nickname of mine. I didn't like it when she put it in her mouth. It was only for certain people and she was definitely not one of them.

"Your sister is right, Shawty, do you really have to go?" Niragi leaned a little more on his rifle. I just nodded.

The best way to get out of this situation was to not say anything.

Bowing, I cleared my tray and left the cafeteria. But my goal wasn't my room, but the outside area.

I needed something to take away my grief, my pain and my anger... I wanted to forget what had just happened...

My path took me straight to the bar, where I downed three shots. The alcohol burned my throat, but it took away all the worries that had been building up inside me.

I finally felt a little freer again.

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