Chapter 5: The Triwizard Tournament

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I was sitting in the Great Hall several weeks later as Dumbledore began explaining the Triwizard tournament and the staffing changes. Once again my profession was being shifted. I was to be assisting Severus in the Potion's Classroom this term. My mind was wandering and I couldn't help but worry about the events that had occurred at the Quidditch World Cup. Harry had told me about his scar hurting which added to my worry. A giant woman entered the Great Hall followed by several girls dressed in blue, but I wasn't paying much attention. It wasn't until I heard Albus speak again that my attention was turned back to the events.

"Igor Karkaroff!"

I quickly looked up, remembering how he had been involved with the Death Eaters before Voldemort fell. He was the one to turn in Barty Crouch Jr. after he had tortured the Longbottoms.

Igor seemed to be glaring at Severus throughout the meal but Severus only glared right back. Albus went on to explain the rules of the tournament as lightning cracked through the ceiling and rain began to pour. From the back of the room Alastor Moody stopped the rain and began walking toward the front of the room. He looked different but I couldn't quite explain why. I had fought alongside him during the first Wizarding War but so much time had passed since then and he had grown insane over the last decade.

Albus continued explaining the rules but I wasn't paying much attention. I felt Severus grab my hand under the table, noticing my mind was not on Dumbledore's speech. I looked up at him and he gave me a curious look, but I simply smiled at him, trying to assure him everything was fine.

I was glad that I would be the potions assistant for the full year. While I had enjoyed working with Remus last year I had always enjoyed potions more and was glad I would be getting to work with Severus for the full year, particularly given Alastor's strange behavior.


The first few weeks of term passed smoothly for the most part, though several students had tried to put their names in the Goblet of Fire even though they were underage, most notably being the Weasley twins who ended up turning into old men and had to have the spell reversed. Harry informed me that Moody had shown the Unforgivable Curses in class and this confused me as the Alastor I had once fought alongside never would've used such a curse in front of the students. I wanted to confront him about it but given his strange behavior I thought it best not to do anything for the time being. I was only an assistant after all and Alastor was a close friend of Albus's. I simply made sure the students were okay, especially Neville, given his family history.

It was finally time for the champions to be chosen. Albus dimmed the lights, setting a much more dramatic tone and I chuckled to myself. Everyone waited in anticipation.

"The Durmstrang Champion is... Victor Krum!" Albus called after the first paper had shot out.

"The champion for Beuxbatons is Fleur Delacore!"

A final paper shot out and he called Cedric Diggory as the Hogwarts Champion. Cheers filled the hall as the three champions had been announced. Severus stood next to me but he seemed to be focused on something in the distance. I looked up as Albus showed the Triwizard cup, noticing what Severus seemed to be so focused on. The Goblet of Fire seemed to be preparing to shoot another name. Blue flames shot out before turning red and another paper shot from the flames as Albus caught it. I looked at Severus but he seemed just as confused as I was. Albus mumbled something but I couldn't hear what he had said.

"Harry Potter," he said, looking around the hall. I froze, gripping Severus's arm tightly. "Harry Potter!" Albus yelled and Harry was pushed toward the front of the room by Hermione. He walked along the aisle before reaching Albus, who handed him the small slip of paper. Harry walked up to the front of the room, locking eyes with me before Minerva placed a hand on his shoulder, guiding him toward the back of the room. My eyes were wide as I looked at Severus.

"What the hell just happened?" I whispered.

"Potter happened," he hissed, leaving the Great Hall.

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