Chapter 70: Where's Home?

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"Do you want to talk about it?" Remus asked as Arthur placed two cups of tea in front of Molly and I but I pushed it away and turned my face against Sirius's chest, feeling the bile rising in my throat. Molly had begged us not to tell Arthur what she saw but he'd heard the sobs and my uncle's voice carrying through the house. He'd quickly made his way upstairs, finding us huddled together as I reassured her everything was fine, though I couldn't honestly say I believed that sentiment as my own hands shook with each promise. Arthur had led us down to the kitchen, sending Harry upstairs despite his numerous protests.

"Take care of Aunt Y/n," he'd whispered to Sirius, assuming I couldn't hear him. Sirius tightened his grip around my waist, giving Harry a small nod before continuing to the kitchen as Harry returned to the rest of the kids.

"Y/n?" Remus asked gently as I hadn't responded to him. My heart was still racing in my chest and I could feel my muscles burning from years of torment as if it was happening all over again. Yet, despite the pain of what had occurred and the horror that my history had been on display for everyone to see, my mind seemed to wander toward Malfoy Manor. I'd seemed so happy as I'd run toward them and tears filled my eyes once again. My throat felt dry as I tried to speak and Remus handed me the tea.

"Please drink something," he soothed but I shook my head.

"I'm fine, Remus," I assured him.

"Then why can't you look at me?"

I sighed, turning to face him as Sirius balanced me on his lap. "I'm looking at you," I replied. He smiled softly, though it didn't meet his eyes. I turned to Molly, her hands shaking as she lifted the cup of tea to her lips. A burning sensation spread in my chest and I tried not to focus on it as an image flashed in my mind. Lucius and Narcissa stood nervously in front of my father as he hissed, though I couldn't quite make out his words at first. I shook my head, trying to clear the image but it only grew stronger.

"Perhaps a visit from an old friend," Voldemort hissed before the image dissolved and I was back in the dimly lit kitchen of Grimmauld Place. My heart was racing as I ran through every possibility. There was no way for my father to have access to my mind, yet somehow I'd seen something he hadn't intended for me to see... at least I didn't think he'd meant for me to see it.

"Tom?" I whispered as his face came into view once again, confusing me as I assumed I was seeing through his eyes. It wasn't until I saw Lucius's reflection as well that I realized a mirror stood at the opposite end of the room, capturing my father's face and the back of Lucius Malfoy's head. Narcissa approached, holding out what appeared to be an old copy of the Daily Prophet as Bellatrix Lestrange was the main headline, a deranged looking photo of her staring back at me.

"All of them?" my father hissed. "All still loyal?"

"Yes, my Lord," Lucius replied, averting his gaze as the image faded once again.

I blinked, hearing Remus calling out to me. "Y/n?" He was crouched in front of me on his knees, hands grasping mine. "Hey," he murmured. "Where'd you go?"

"What?" I asked him, still trying to clear the images from my mind.

"You were gone, love. Your eyes... they were looking right through us. You... you weren't here."

"I was there," I whispered, still feeling lost in the memory as the boggart of my father flashed in my mind, my laughter filling my ears as I ran toward the manor, and the Daily Prophet headline of Bellatrix Lestrange.


"Home," I answered, a calm feeling washing over me as Remus's eyes widened and he glanced at Sirius briefly, before returning his gaze to me.

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