Chapter 60: The Surprise

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A/N: The chapter was getting a little long so I had to split it but the next part will be uploaded shortly :)

"Sev!" I exclaimed, running toward him. He quickly lifted me off the ground as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He was holding me up as I looked down at him, pressing my lips to his.

"I've missed you," he murmured against my mouth before gently setting me down. I turned to Remus who was still grinning.

"How?" was all I could say.

"I was able to get in touch with Severus and since this cottage hasn't been sold yet I thought it might be a good place for a rendezvous. But you two better not make a mess, my hormonal little teenagers," he said, waving a finger at us.

"Remus!" I exclaimed as Severus chuckled behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head.

"I'm just saying! Keep it clean you two! I don't care what you do, just don't make a mess! I don't want my buyers backing out."

I chuckled, thanking him as he turned to leave, closing the door behind him. I turned back to Severus, burying my face in his chest.

"I've missed you, darling," he murmured.

"I've missed you too, Sev." I pulled away slightly to look up at him, having so many questions I needed to ask. "What's happened over the last month? Did my father show up? Are you okay?"

"Woah, slow down, love. I'm fine. Everything's fine. He did show up but I simply explained that you and I were not living together. We were merely staying together while you recovered from the incident in the graveyard. At which point he seemed to feel guilty because he asked no further questions."

"H-he felt... guilty?" I asked, seeming confused at the idea that Voldemort could possibly feel anything other than pure resentment for Harry.

"It appeared that way."

"Well, what happened after? H-he knows we are together!"

"It's alright, my love," he soothed. "Once he discovered you were not there he left, though he did express his desire for me to bring you to him... given that we're together. He assumes that because you trust me... it will be easier for me to bring you to him."

"Sev...," I began, treading cautiously, but he rushed to assure me.

"I would never do that, darling! Though I'm not sure how long I can stall him before he gets suspicious. As long as he knows we're together... it will be tricky to keep you away from him."

"So... what do we do?"

"Let's not worry about that now. We have to leave before the sun rises and I don't want to waste our time worrying about You-Know-Who."

I nodded as his hands moved down my back, settling on my hips. "Ah, I see... you want to use our time for something a little more... productive."

"I haven't seen the love of my life in almost a month." He stepped back, holding out his hands. "Talk about something we can't currently control?" He lifted one hand. "Or... make love to you?" He began moving both hands, showing the example of a measuring scale. I chuckled as the latter clearly won over the first. "Thoughts?" he asked, dropping his hands.

"I like your thinking, Mr. Snape," I answered.

"Then what are you still doing over there? And why are you still clothed?"

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