Chapter 64: Breakup

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The time had arrived for another meeting and I was happy that I would be seeing Severus but I hated what we'd have to do. From this point on we wouldn't be able to be seen in public together. The door opened and Severus stepped inside, smiling as his eyes fell on me. Remus was the only other one in the hallway, greeting the Order members as they arrived and Severus was the only one we were waiting on.

"I'll uh... give you two a minute," Remus said, walking toward the kitchen.

"Does he know?" Severus asked, his eyes wide.

"He assumes but nothing has been said out loud," I assured him. "It's Remus. He can smell a plan from miles away, Sev."

Severus chuckled, shaking his head slightly but he didn't seem mad.

"You know what you have to do?" he asked, lacing his fingers between mine.

I nodded. "You?"

He nodded, giving me a soft smile but it didn't meet his eyes.

"Darling, I need you to know that whatever is said in there... I don't mean."

"I know, love. Same goes for me. I think we can mutually agree that we are going to have to say things that may hurt the other... but as long as we know we don't mean them... we'll get through it, Sev."

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you, Y/n. I love you so much," he murmured against my lips.

"I love you too, Sev," I whispered. He pecked my lips one last time before we parted.

"And now we need to break up," he chuckled softly, sighing as he let go of my hand and his cold exterior returned, putting on the face we were both so familiar with, though I hadn't seen much of it over the years. We walked into the kitchen and I sat between Remus and Sirius while Severus stood in the back, neither of us looking at each other.

Don't be afraid to hurt me, love. I heard his voice in my head and I smiled softly, keeping my head down so no one saw it. I can sense your hesitation but the only way your father will believe this is if you make it realistic. I'll give you the signal once I've finished my report.

I know, Sev. I'll make it believable, I answered him and the meeting began. Sirius informed us that Buckbeak was keeping an eye on the kids, making sure they stayed on the third floor and Muffliato was used on the kitchen to keep them from snooping. Severus told us what he knew about my father, though there wasn't much to report. My father was growing desperate to get to me, even going so far as to try to get a former Death Eater appointed to the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Albus refused the candidate, both because he knew of the man's former Death Eater status and because he already had another candidate in mind, though he wouldn't tell anyone who it was. This made me nervous.

Severus finished his report, ending with a question for Albus about Harry's protection during the school year. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms, thus giving me the signal that he was finished.

I scoffed, laughing at his statement about protecting Harry.

"Something funny, Y/n?" Severus asked.

"Nope. Nothing funny here," I answered, leaning forward. "I mean... other than the fact that you're suddenly so concerned with Harry's safety."

"I'm concerned with the safety of you both," he hissed.

"Yeah? Where was that concern when you got all buddy buddy with Lucius Malfoy?" I spat. "You may have Albus fooled but I know better."

"Y/n, what are you talking about?" he asked, his voice growing soft as he knew he would need to act hurt for this to work.

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