Chapter 42: You Can Talk To Me

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Severus wasted no time in helping me move my things from my old home into his over the next few weeks. I smiled to myself as we walked out the door. This was the first place I had bought myself after I moved out of Minerva's place a few years after I graduated from Hogwarts. I took one last look at the empty space as Severus placed a hand on my back before closing the door behind me. The 'sold' sign sat on the lawn, marking the end of this chapter, and Severus and I apparated to Spinner's End. When we reached the door to his home he took my suitcase from my hands, opening the door and setting it inside. He then turned to me, lifting my body into his arms. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck as he carried me inside, gently setting me down as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Welcome home, love," he murmured.

With a wave of his wand my suitcase began unpacking itself, followed by the few boxes we had sent over. My things floated around the room, finding their place among his.

We began settling in and finding our rhythm. Moving in with someone was a drastic change but there weren't many bumps in the road with him.

A few days after I got settled we were standing in his bathroom, having just finished brushing our teeth. I returned my toothbrush to its holder, looking up to find Severus looking at me in the mirror, a soft smile on his face.

"What?" I chuckled.

He gently touched my shoulders, turning me to face him. "I just... never thought I'd have this," he murmured. I wrapped my arms around him, resting my face on his chest as I found the place I could call home.

"Nor did I," I whispered as his hand rubbed the back of my head.

"I love you, sweet girl. Always remember that," he said, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice and I couldn't place why.

"I know you do, Sev... and I love you." I pulled away, looking up at him. "What's on your mind?"

He shook his head, plastering on a smile I could tell was not fully genuine.

"Nothing, darling. Just you."

"We promised no more lies, Sev," I replied, knowing there was something he wasn't telling me. My hand lightly traced the skin of his left forearm, the Dark Mark now jet black against his pale skin. We were still in our pajamas, deciding to just spend time together today, and the black t-shirt exposed his arms, including the Dark Mark.

"It has to do with this... doesn't it?" I asked, looking up at him.

He sighed, giving a slight nod. He looked as if he was about to argue his case but I stopped him.

"It's not my place, Sev... Just know that you can talk to me if you want to... but I understand there are things you can't talk about."

Tears filled his eyes as he nodded, pulling me flush against his chest once again. Neither of us said anything more as we held each other, both of us broken in our own way. I knew I should have asked him more but it wasn't my place. I simply hoped he would tell me the truth when he was ready. What I didn't know was how much I would come to regret that decision along with many others in the future.

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