Chapter 77: Toad

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I was wrong. It most certainly would not be a fun year. That much became clear quite quickly. Within a few short weeks Umbridge had been appointed High Inquisitor and made several ominous and threatening remarks to Minerva regarding her loyalty. Soon Umbridge began her inspections, scrutinizing every detail of our classes. Minerva seethed with rage after Umbridge's last inspection as the old pink toad had continuously interrupted her lesson with pointless and irritating questions. I tried to calm myself as Umbridge entered the Potions classroom for her inspection of Severus and I. Her smile was sickeningly sweet as she took a seat in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes, returning to the paper I was grading as she began making notes on her clipboard.

Severus began class by introducing her before beginning to explain today's lesson. Harry's eyes moved back and forth between Umbridge, Severus, and I, a curious look on his face as he waited for something to happen, though I wasn't exactly sure what. About 10 minutes into the class Umbridge stood up, slowly making her way toward me as I corrected a student's use of grammar in their paper.

"Yes, Delores," I said, without looking up at her as I could already sense her irritating shadow hanging over me.

"Hem hem," she squeaked.

I rolled my eyes, sighing as I looked up at her. "Yes?"

"How long have you been teaching here, Professor?"

"About 14 years."

"Hm." She made a note on her clipboard before returning her gaze to me. "And you took over for... Professor Binns, yes?"

I nodded.

"And... it appears he's back in his old position. What made Professor Dumbledore move you?"

"Albus had been trying to recruit me since professor Binns passed but it was clear he enjoyed working, even as a ghost and I was quite happy where I was. The headmaster thought Professor Snape could use an assistant to keep the children in line," I said, to which her eyes brightened.

"Oh, yes! Certainly could use some extra discipline around here."

I saw Harry scratch the back of his hand, wincing as she spoke and my brows furrowed.

"It appears you spent some time in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom as well."

I nodded and she continued.

"I wonder why that is?"

"Albus thought the students could use some extra assistance," I answered, leaving out the part about Sirius and the constant monitoring that took place that year.

"Hm... and what was your occupation prior to Hogwarts?"

"I was training to be an Auror."

Several hushed whispers fell over the room as the students waited for me to reply and Severus barked at them to continue working.

"And what made you decide to come here instead of becoming an Auror? Was it your choice?"

Spiteful bitch.

"Yes," I replied, moving my quill over the parchment once again, trying to appear bored and uninterested.

"It wasn't because of your association with one.... Sirius Black?"

I glared at her and she smirked before walking down the aisle of students hastily trying to complete their potions. It wasn't long before she set her beady little eyes on Severus and began questioning him.

"You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?"

"Yes," Severus answered, clearly annoyed but trying his best not to show it.

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