Chapter 72: The Task

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The image appeared with ease as Molly focused on the memory, allowing it to play in her mind as I watched the scene unfold before me.

"Severus, you know as well as I do that the Dark Lord will not give up!" Wormtail hissed from the alley.

"That is your burden to bear. My orders from the Dark Lord are clear," Severus retorted, the malice in his voice sending a chill along my spine, or rather Molly's spine as it was her emotions I could sense as the scene unfolded.

"All I'm asking for is some assistance with my task, Severus."

"I'm assisting you by carrying your rat form around Knockturn Alley. I suppose I could just leave you to the cats if you find me unhelpful. I'm sure we could find Crookshanks around here somewh-."

"No!" Wormtail shrieked. "You're most gracious, Severus."

"I thought you might see things properly. Now... the job the Dark Lord has tasked you with is your burden to bear. Not. Mine. She'll be at Hogwarts this term and you know he won't tolerate failure. Can you handle your orders?" Severus hissed.

"Y-yes, Severus," Wormtail stuttered.

"Good, now return to your filthy little form. Let's get what you need and get out of here," Severus spat.

I continued watching, trying to determine what the significance of this memory was. What had upset Molly so much that she couldn't even speak of it? Suddenly I heard Wormtail's voice speak up again.

"Have you heard from her since... the break up?"

"Didn't I tell you to return to your animagus form?" Severus spat.

"I-I'm sorry, Severus... I just wondered."

"And how is that any of your business?" Severus answered, his voice cold as he spoke.

"B-because the Dark Lord is getting more anxious to meet her by the day. He's getting desperate and people are going to end up dead."

"What are you rambling about, Wormtail?" Severus asked, growing frustrated.

"I-I shouldn't say anything more. H-he'll-."

A loud thump could be heard and Molly jumped back slightly as the shadows shifted. I assumed Severus had slammed Wormtail against the wall.

"Speak or I'll leave you here for the cats to feast on or for the Ministry to find," Severus growled.

"H-he's ordered m-me to begin attacking p-people close to her," Wormtail stuttered.

"Who?" Severus hissed.

"Th-the Weasley kids."

Silence filled the alley and I could see the horrified look on Molly's face. I had thought the memory had come to an end but it continued as I heard Severus's voice once again.

"Why them? What could he possibly gain from attacking them?"

"He believes it will draw out Y/n. He-." Wormtail was cut off as Severus spoke again.

"How does he think that is going to make her want to see him?" I could hear the anger in his voice as he fought to keep himself under control. "What do the Weasleys have to do with anything?"

"He knows all. He knows of her closeness to the Weasley family. He has no hesitation killing every one of the blood traitor children if Y/n does not come forward."

"And he thinks that will work?"

"At this point he doesn't care. He's desperate."

Molly turned away from the alley and the scene changed as she pushed forward a new image. I stood beside her, our wands were raised as we faced a group of Death Eaters, ones I hadn't met before, and we fought off their attacks as they taunted us about Marlene's death. I quickly pulled out of her mind and Sirius stood up, standing behind my chair. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder as my mind swirled with a million thoughts, each one fighting for attention but the only one I could focus on was: My father was planning to kill Molly's kids if I didn't come forward. I looked up, noticing the tears in her eyes as Arthur attempted to soothe her, fighting his own tears that threatened to overwhelm him.

"This was this morning?" I asked, my voice coming out hoarse.

Molly gave a small nod but said nothing more. The silence in the room was deafening as they all waited for me to say something.

"Who else knows about this?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"Just the people in this room. Y/n... I- I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean you don't know what to do? There's nothing to do," Sirius said. "She's not going to just waltz right into the lion's den, Molly!"

A look of horror crossed Molly's face as she realized what Sirius meant but I quickly spoke.

"Molly, I'm not going to let anything happen to the kids. I promise you... we will figure something out."

Sirius walked around the table, standing across from my seat as he carefully searched my eyes.

"Yeah, that's not an option, pup," he said, causing everyone to watch our interaction carefully.

"I didn't even say anything, Sirius!"

"I know how you think, Y/n, and I'm not letting you put yourself in danger. I get that you've grown close with them but I will not allow you to trade your life for theirs!"

"I didn't say anything," I repeated, keeping my tone calm.

"Y/n," Minerva said softly, placing her hand on top of mine. "We will find another way to keep them safe but you giving yourself up... that's not an option."

"You're talking about it as if he's planning to kill me."

"We don't know what his intentions are, Y/n!" Sirius insisted.

"Look, Minerva and I have to leave for Hogwarts. We will discuss this later. The kids will be safe at Hogwarts in the meantime. Molly, Arthur, and Bill can stay here for the time being and Charlie's in Romania far away from this mess. We will figure something out. I need to talk to Albus about all of this... but we knew this was coming eventually. We couldn't avoid it forever."

"It's not an option!" Sirius insisted.

"We'll talk about this later," I repeated, knowing there was no talking to Sirius when he was like this. "Minerva and I have to leave." I turned to Molly and Arthur. "I promise you... I won't let anything happen to the kids."

She nodded, giving me a small smile as she wiped her tears. I stood up and Minerva quickly followed suit.

"It was nice seeing all of you. We'll figure this out," I said as we headed toward the kitchen door. Sirius quickly stopped me, gently wrapping his fingers around my wrist.

"Don't do anything stupid, pup," he murmured, his lips exceedingly close to my ear. "I refuse to lose you too."

I turned to him, taking his hand off my wrist and holding it. "It's gonna be fine, Sirius. It'll all be okay," I assured, quickly leaving the kitchen before the tears could slip down my cheeks.

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