Chapter 73: Work It Out

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A/N: This was two chapters originally but the first one was a little too short so here ya go: a longer chapter :)

"Are you alright?" Minerva asked as we made our way into the Hogwarts castle.

"Yup," I answered quickly.

"Y/n..." She stopped me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I know you. I know you feel responsible but you cannot take this on, dear."

"Minnie, they'll die if I don't go to him."

Her eyes widened as I spoke. "Y/n, you can't actually be thinking about doing this."

"What choice do I have? We knew this was coming, Minnie. If Albus has the chance at having another member on the inside... he's going to take it. He was probably going to ask that I join anyway. It was only a matter of time."

"Y/n, this isn't like choosing between pumpkin juice or butterbeer... This is extremely dangerous. You can't just decide you're going to become a double agent. It's not that simple."

"It actually is, Minnie. You're right, it isn't like choosing between pumpkin juice and butterbeer. It's choosing between children's lives and my fear. Their lives are going to win every time. I'm going to talk to Albus but I know he'll agree with me. I don't have a choice."

She sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing this. We headed toward Albus's office to let him know we'd arrived. As we turned a corner a flash of pink collided with me, nearly knocking me over.

An annoying giggle filled the corridor before the blob of pink looked up. "Sorry, dears. Suppose we should all watch where we're going a bit better, hm?" She giggled once again.

"Yes, it would certainly be helpful," I answered, recognizing the pink blob as she looked up.

"Dolores Umbridge," she said, introducing herself as I tried not to gag.

"Yes, I'm familiar," I answered. She held her hand out expectantly and I shook it, annoyed, but trying to control my facial expression.

"Y/n Y/l/n," I answered. Her lips pressed together in a tight smile as her grip on my hand grew tighter.

"Well, I certainly look forward to the year with you," she said, her voice increasing an octave. I rolled my eyes and walked away as Minerva followed quickly.

"That's the woman from Harry's trial! What's she doing here?" she asked, keeping her voice to a whisper as we reached the griffin to Albus's office.

"The ministry's interfering at Hogwarts," I answered as we ascended the staircase. It's begun.


I knocked on the door to the headmaster's office and it swung open quickly, revealing Albus and Severus having what seemed to be a heated conversation.

"Ah! Minerva! Y/n! Good to see you," Albus said, inviting us in his office. I looked back and forth between Albus and Severus, noticing the tears in his eyes that he was fighting to keep in. I sighed as the door closed behind Minerva and I.

"I take it you're talking about what happened in Knockturn Alley this morning."

Their eyes widened in horror as they realized what I'd said.

"H-how did you know?" Severus asked.

"Molly heard you. She didn't want to tell me but... Sirius thought I should know."

"Of course he did," Severus scoffed. "Suppose he thought it'd make you hate me more than you already do."

"I don't hate you, Sev," I answered, knowing he was still keeping up the act.

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