Chapter 67: Weakness

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Severus's POV

I apparated to Malfoy Manor where the Dark Lord was waiting for me. I made sure to lock away the other memories of Y/n and I making our plan, focusing only on this memory, the breakup, and other small, trivial memories that would allow the Dark Lord to believe he'd seen everything. I stepped into the Manor, a gloomy chill filling the air as I made my way upstairs. Narcissa Malfoy was the first to greet me and the Dark Lord looked up instantly as he heard her say my name.

"Ah, Severus. What news do you bring of my daughter?" his snakelike voice hissed as he beckoned me toward him.

"I'm afraid she doesn't trust me, my Lord. She knows of my true loyalty to you and she fears I will one day bring her to you."

"She knows of your loyalty?!" he spat, standing up as he made his way toward me. The only thoughts I allowed into the forefront of my mind were ones of Y/n and our childhood, refusing to let him see anything current until he searched.

"I'm afraid so, my Lord, though she hasn't said anything to Dumbledore nor anyone else. She seems to have known for a while. If she hasn't said anything by now I do not believe she will out me, my Lord," I answered, lowering my gaze as he stood over me.

"Hm," he hissed, seeming deep in thought. "Show me," he said, lifting his wand and aiming it at me. I centered the memory, pushing it to the forefront of my mind as Voldemort began watching the scene play out. I focused on keeping my expression neutral as her face stared at me from inside my mind, the tears slipping down her face as her voice broke. I knew it was an act but it hurt to see her look so broken. The words she spoke were true. The hatred in her voice for her father and the fear that she would be taken to him were real. As the scene ended Voldemort continued searching, ensuring he'd seen everything. Trivial memories of Y/n and I spending time together as children played across my vision, quickly being followed by the day we 'broke up.'

He pulled away, lowering his wand as I collected myself, keeping my emotions under control. I looked up, trying to get a read on him but his face remained emotionless.

"What is it, my Lord?" Lucius asked, standing next to Narcissa, keeping their distance from the Dark Lord. The next few minutes of silence were agonizingly long as Voldemort was lost in his thoughts. Suddenly he looked up, a sickening grin spreading across his face.

"I think it'll be much more difficult for her to stay away from you once you're back at Hogwarts. After speaking with our old comrades who once knew her it appears they knew the two of you were together even before you did," he chuckled, the sound low and hissing in his throat, sending a chill up my spine.

"Any ideas on her teaching schedule this year?" he asked.

"Albus informed me she would be working as my assistant," I answered, looking down as I knew he would try to use this to his advantage.

"Excellent. Give her space when possible. Do not overwhelm her. I've learned from our friends that she either bites or runs when cornered... you never know which will occur. Keep an eye on her during the school year. I think you'll find it will be harder for her to stay away than she thinks," he chuckled darkly.

"My Lord... I wonder if I might inquire... why is it that you want her so bad? Is it truly because she is your daughter... or are you going to use her?"

Voldemort looked up at me, his red eyes staring me down as he calculated my intentions, though he seemed to find no malice within them.

"Why are you asking this, Severus?" he inquires.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I simply wonder whether she's right to have her concerns. As I'm sure you are aware... she's been through a lot."

"I'm quite aware, Severus," he hissed. It seemed as if that simple sentence had struck a nerve within him. Lucius and Narcissa were standing back, their eyes wide as they heard the tone Voldemort had taken with me.

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