Chapter 26: Polyjuice

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"How are you feeling, Y/n?" Alastor asked as we reached the center of the maze. A woman was standing there, one I recognized from the surprise party at the Malfoys. I giggled in response as we approached the woman.

"Sadie, wonderful to see you. Is everything ready? Is he ready?" Alastor asked, placing the cup down.

"Yes, everything's ready." She turned to me, taking in my bubbly state. "Is she ready?"

"She will be. Snape wouldn't let her out of his sight. I had to imperio her to get her here."

"Aw, did those two finally end up together?" she asked.

Alastor only grunted in response.

"Honestly, Barty, you need to get over your little crush on her. You two barely talked when she was in school and you've had 15 years to talk to her."

"I was under the Imperius curse for most of that time," he hissed.

"Oh, please. As if she would've given you a second look even if you had talked to her. Besides, wasn't she dating that blood traitor Sirius Black for a while anyway."

"Don't remind me," he hissed. Would you just take a strand of her hair so I can remove this bloody curse!"

"Oooh, touchy," Sadie laughed. "Not a fan of the Imperius curse anymore are we?"

"When you've been under it for the last 13 years you grow tired of it," he hissed. "Now, just get your strand and be done with it!"

Sadie moved behind me, plucking a strand of hair from my head.

"Ow! What was that for?" I laughed, not even seeming to mind that she had just taken some of my hair. I watched as she put the hair into a small vial, the color of the strange liquid turning a gold color, though flecks of green could still be seen in the strange liquid. Alastor lifted his wand and the warm, bubbly feeling instantly disappeared. I stumbled backward as I took in my surroundings.

"What the hell?!" I lifted my wand, preparing to disarm Alastor but with a wave of his wand mine flew from my hand, landing somewhere in the bushes near the triwizard cup. I backed up, preparing to make a run for it but Alastor's next words froze me in my place.

"I won't hurt you... but if you make a run for it Severus dies."

"Why are you doing this, Alastor?! What did I do to you?!"

"Nothing, love. Absolutely nothing. It just so happens that your history is much more complex than we thought. I promise he will explain everything but I must take you to him now."

"What the hell are you talking about?! I'm not going anywhere until you explain what's going on?!"

"I'm sorry about all this, Y/n. You always seemed like such a sweet girl," Sadie said as she lifted the vial to her lips, downing the golden liquid. I turned to make a break for it but Alastor and Sadie quickly caught up to me, lifting me with ease, before dragging me back to the cup. Sadie's face had begun to change, her long dark hair pulling itself back into a ponytail, the color fading to a familiar (h/c) color. She transfigured her clothes with ease and I stood, horrified as her black cloak became familiar teaching robes and her face took the shape of my own. Her dark green eyes faded to (e/c) and the spell was complete. I stood in horror as my own face stared back at me.

"Nicely done, Sadie. It appears you can follow directions after all," Alastor said, bitterness in his voice.

"You underestimate me, Alastor," she chuckled, enunciating his name as an inside joke between the two of them.

"Give her the potion already. If she's gone any longer Snape will get suspicious. You need to take her place, now!" Alastor hissed. Sadie took a small, corked vial from her cloak, popping off the lid. She slowly moved toward me and I backed away, only to bump into Alastor who quickly wrapped his arms around my waist. I struggled against his grip as the vial was brought to my lips and forced down my throat. I sputtered, trying to throw up the revolting liquid but it was too late. The effects were already beginning to set in and I could feel my eyelids growing heavy as my body slumped to the ground.

"He'll never believe it's me," I choked out, looking up at Sadie.

"I know, dear. I know. All we need is time," she soothed, pushing the hair out of my face. "All any of us want is your happiness. This'll be best for you in the long run. You'll see."

That was the last thing I heard before sleep claimed me and I slipped away into darkness.

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