Chapter 24: Coincidences

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A few days had passed and we finally reached the day of the third task. I could feel my palms sweating as I slipped into my teaching robes. My chest was burning but I blamed it on anxiety due to the upcoming task. I tried not to focus on the people who have come out of the maze in the past, how their faces changed and the light left their eyes, how it took some of them months before they found themselves again. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me from the wretched images.

"Love? Are you alright?" Severus whispered, grabbing my brush from the nightstand.

"I'm fine," I lied, fastening the clasp of my cloak. His hands moved to the back of my hair, carefully brushing through the knotts that had formed after the countless number of times I had run my hands through it, my nervousness taking over.

"Up or down, darling?" he asked softly, placing the brush down.

"Up, please," I answered, giving him a soft smile. He gathered my hair, being careful not to form any more knotts in the already thinning strands of hair. He gently scooped the hair into a ponytail, tying it with a hair tie he kept on his wrist, hidden underneath the cuffs of his sleeves, specifically for moments like these. He had begun keeping it there when I started getting more and more nervous about the third task. I would constantly pull at the ends of my hair, a nervous habit that I had developed over the last few days and couldn't seem to break. Severus had begun keeping the hair tie on his wrist to pull the hair out of my face, stopping me from tugging at it more. I would still play with the ends of the ponytail but it was less harmful to the hair and less noticeable to other curious eyes.

He secured my hair and placed a kiss on the top of my head before placing his hands on my shoulders. I slowly turned to face him as he moved his hand to my cheek.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered and I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. "Come, darling. Wouldn't want to be late."

"We have time, Sev," I chuckled, knowing the third task didn't start for another few hours. Professors were supposed to get there a bit early but we had plenty of time before the task started.

"I thought you might want to wish Potter luck," Severus answered. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as I smiled at him. I had planned to go and see Harry but hearing that Severus had specifically made sure we had enough time to do so warmed my heart.

"Thank you," I whispered, being met with his soft smile.

He led me out of his chambers, linking my arm with his as we made our way down the corridor. I could feel someone watching me as we made our way down the corridor but I tried to ignore it, trying to push down the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and the burning that lingered in my chest. I winced as the pain began to grow. Severus stopped walking and turned to me.

"Darling?" I could see the concern in his eyes as he carefully looked me up and down, searching for the source of the pain. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm fine, Sev."

"You're clearly not, my love. What is it? Is it your chest again?"

"Sev, I'm fine. I promise." I felt my body growing dizzy as the pain increased but I tried not to focus on it. From around the corner Moody heard what was going on and rushed over.

"What's happening?" his deep voice rang through the corridor, though I could hear the concern behind the growl.

"Nothing that concerns you, Alaster," Severus hissed, holding my body against his as my legs grew weak.

"Y/n?" Alastor asked softly, his eyes locking with mine. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Alastor," I assured, holding onto Severus tightly.

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