Chapter 28: Loyalty

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"You're my daughter, Y/n," he said as the surrounding Death Eaters gasped, falling to their knees around me, murmurs of 'my Lady' leaving their lips. While I had my suspicions of who my father was it had never been confirmed for certain until this moment. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as my father waited for my response. I backed away from him, his hand slipping from my face.

"I can't do this. I need to leave." I turned to leave but Wormtail stepped in front of me, blocking my path toward Harry.

"The boy has done nothing wrong. Let him go!" I hissed.

"That boy is the reason your family went into hiding!" Voldemort yelled, stopping me in my tracks. "We could've been your family but his filthy muggle mother ruined the life we could've had."

"Don't you dare speak about her like that!"

The surrounding Death Eaters gasped at my outburst and Lucius moved toward me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, this isn't the time nor the place," he whispered.

"Don't fucking touch me, Lucius! Did you know about this!? Did you know who I was?"

"No! I assure you none of us knew... but it makes sense." Lucius looked as if he might go into explaining all the reasons why this made sense but I stopped him right away.

"Dont, Lucius... just don't."

Harry grunted in pain, trying to escape the statue's grasp. Voldemort turned toward the noise, seeming almost delighted by the interruption. I could hear a roaring in my ears, drowning out my father's words as I battled with myself on what to do. I knew I wouldn't let anything happen to Harry but I also knew I would get us both killed if I tried anything, along with potentially getting Severus killed as well when my father learns we are together.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Lucius whispered.

"No, Lucius! I'm not alright! None of this is alright!" I hissed.

"I know, Y/n. I'm so sorry," he whispered, pulling me into a hug, holding me tightly as Voldemort began explaining his downfall and how Harry survived. Harry screamed as Voldemort pressed a pale, bony finger to his forehead. His screams cut through the thick, humid air, sending chills up my spine. I tried to take a step forward but Lucius held me back.

"Y/n, don't! This is not a fight you want to pick."

"Lucius, let go of me!" I hissed, keeping my voice low.

"Y/n, please! I don't want anything to happen to you!"

"I can't let anything happen to Harry either! He's just a kid!"

At that moment Voldemort had released Harry from the statue's grip, causing him to fall to the ground, dirt scattering his clothes.

"Pick up your wand! Get up! Get up!" Voldemort hissed as the Death Eaters scattered to make way for them to duel. I heard a pop and Sadie appeared once again.

"My polyjuice was running out. I had to tell Snape I had lady issues so he would let me leave." Her eyes fell on me. "Your man is quite protective."

"You were with Snape?" Voldemort hissed.

"Yes. The only way we could get Y/n here was to have someone take her place. Karkaroff ran when the mark started burning but Snape didn't seem to have a reaction."

"That traitor really has turned his back on us, hasn't he?!" I could see the anger in Voldemort's eyes as he spat these words.

"Well, I suppose that's a question for Y/n, seeing as she knows him the best," Sadie answered as all eyes fell on me.

"My relationship with Severus is none of your business," I retorted, though none of them seemed to mind this. They continued staring at me, waiting for an answer to their original question.

"Well, child? What say you on the nature of Severus's loyalty? Why isn't he here with us tonight?"

"I cannot speak for Severus," I answered, keeping my expression under control as I had done for so many years. It was one of the only good things my uncle had ever taught me: how to hide my emotions.

"But I'm sure you know something, my Lady. Surely you could give us a clue as to our old friend's loyalty," a man spoke up, though I didn't recognize him from my previous time with the Malfoys. After he finished speaking he gave a deep bow, keeping his head low for a few seconds before taking a step back, never meeting my eyes.

"Severus and I lost touch for several years. We didn't reconnect until after my old friends were killed. We never talked about his time as a Death Eater. As I've already said... I cannot speak for him." Silence fell over the Death Eaters as I ended the discussion with a few simple sentences. None of them met my eyes, keeping their heads down. I wanted nothing more than to tell them that Severus was still loyal to them to keep his cover but I knew Harry was listening to every word. I couldn't say anything that would incriminate Severus so I kept my mouth shut. Voldemort nodded, turning to Harry once again, preparing to duel the boy.

I tried to run toward them but Lucius had me in his grip, not allowing me to move. I saw a flash of silver being pulled from his cloak, his lips barely moving as I heard a soft whisper: "Imperio."

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