Chapter 9: The Dragon

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The next few weeks were a blur. Harry had learned the first task would be Dragons and I was terrified for him. I was sitting in the stands with Severus as we waited for Harry to face his dragon as the first three champions had already faced theirs. I could feel my hands growing clammy and I wiped them on my pants as I tried to slow my breathing. Severus placed his hand on top of mine, giving me a soft smile. Harry stepped in the rocky arena, looking around before a large tail came crashing next to him. Harry ran as the dragon blew fire at him, nearly missing Harry. I gripped Severus's hand tightly as the dragon's tail sent Harry soaring through the air.

"Your wand, Harry! Your wand!" I heard Hermione scream from the stands and Harry raised his wand, attempting to summon his broom. He hid behind a large boulder as the dragon blew smoke at him once again and Harry's broom approached. Harry quickly jumped on the broom, soaring above the dragon's head, as it tried to reach him. It pulled against its chains, struggling for a brief moment before the clasp broke, sending bits of metal flying through the air. Even Severus looked concerned as the dragon was gaining on Harry. Suddenly Harry began flying toward the stands. I could see the dragon getting closer, noticing how its claws were hanging lower than the tent's cloth roof. It's going to hit Albus and Minerva! I quickly pushed them down, throwing my body over theirs as Albus and Cornelius jumped out of the way quickly. I felt the dragon's claws sink into my flesh as it tore through the tent and into my shoulder. My arm burned and my head was growing fuzzy as I felt something trickling down my arm.

"Y/n!" I heard Severus call as I felt my body being carefully lifted. "Someone get Poppy!"

"Oh, my dear sweet girl," Minerva said as I felt a hand push the hair away from my face. I heard cheering coming from the stands as Harry flew back into view, grabbing the egg easily, and the dragon was nowhere to be found.

"What happened!?" I heard Albus ask before I saw him crouching next to me.

"She pushed us out of the way! She... she saved us," Severus said, holding my hand in his.

"Oh my word!" Poppy exclaimed, as she shooed people away from me. "Out of my way! Out of my way! Oh my dear child... What happened?" she asked as she looked up at Minerva.

"The dragon... i-it was heading for the stands. It would have hit Severus and I but she... she pushed us out of the way and..."

"And it got her instead," Poppy finished, pushing the hair out of my face. I felt my vision growing blurry and Poppy began calling my name more frantically, though her voice seemed to be growing farther and farther away.

"No! No, not her, please!" Severus begged and I felt his grip on my hand tighten. Old memories swirled in my mind as I felt myself slipping farther and farther away.

Oh, Merlin, no! Not her, please! Y/n, I'm so sorry. I never should've left you alone in this house! I never should've told you to stay away from the Malfoys!

I tried to squeeze his hand but it was a weak attempt. He held on tighter as I slipped away and Poppy worked on healing my shoulder.

I never should've left you!

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