Chapter 21: We Were Just Kids

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"It's a sign, Severus! You know what it means as well as I!" Igor hissed as we stood in the ingredients closet. Igor had caught Severus and I sorting potions ingredients and had begun speaking about the Dark Mark. He lifted his sleeve and Severus opened the door, placing an arm over my body. My eyes were locked on the blackening mark as it writhed slowly on Igor's arm. It had been several weeks since I had seen the mark and it was growing darker every day. Severus turned his face away from the mark, no longer able to look at one of the biggest mistakes of his life, knowing that same mark was forever burned into his own arm. His eyes caught Harry who stood in the hallway, his eyes wide as they fell on Igor's left arm, the Dark Mark staring up at him. He looked up at me as Igor stormed out of the room.

"Potter!" Severus hissed as Harry began walking away. "What's your hurry?"

Harry reluctantly turned and walked toward the closet as Severus began complimenting Harry on his performance in the second task. I watched the interaction cautiously as Severus began discussing the missing ingredients.

"I haven't stolen anything," Harry said.

"Don't. Lie. To me!" Severus hissed, his face dangerously close to Harry's.

"Severus, let's not do this right now," I soothed, placing a hand on his back. "Please, this is not the time nor the place."

Severus huffed in annoyance before straightening his posture. "Get out of my sight, Potter, and if I find you anywhere near this room again, I think you'll find that my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice," he hissed, carefully demonstrating a subtle pouring action as he held a bottle of Veritaserum tightly in his hand. He quickly slammed the door in Harry's face before turning to me, sighing and running a hand over his face.

"So are we gonna fight now?"

"What?" I asked, growing confused.

"That's how it goes, isn't it? I lose my temper. You tell me to be nice to those dunderheads. We argue. So on and so forth."

"What? Are you trying to make me angry? Do you enjoy arguing with me?" I hissed.

"No! It's just how this goes!"

"Maybe, if you'd stop treating my godson and his friends like shit this wouldn't happen! He's just a kid!"

"So was his father! So were we! We were all just fucking kids!"

"Severus, what is going on with you, love?" I asked, moving closer to him. His eyes were looking down at the floor and I gently lifted his face. "Darling, talk to me."

"It's nothing," he answered. I watched as he carefully itched his left arm, the action so subtle I almost didn't notice it. I softly grabbed his arm, brushing the fabric.

"Don't," he whispered, tears forming in his eyes. "I don't want you to see it."

"Darling, it's okay. It's a part of you just as much as anything else. I'm not afraid of it."

"But you should be," he whispered.

"I'm not, Sev. Just because you bear that mark does not mean you are a bad person. You are so brave and I love every part of you... including the mark."

A tear slipped from his eyes and he quickly reached his hand up to wipe it but I grabbed his hand. I could see he was angry with himself that he had allowed a tear to slip from his eyes but I knew he needed to let it out. With a wave of my hand the door was locked and I pulled his body close to mine.

"What are y-?" he began but he trailed off quickly and could feel his body beginning to shake as the sobs overtook him.

"It's okay, Sev. Just let it out. I'm here," I whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in my hair. "I've got you, love."

"What have I done, Y/n," he whispered, his voice breaking. "It's all my fault... and now he's coming back and there's nothing I can do."

"It's not your fault, Sev."

His body shook once more as he held onto me. It was as if he had never heard those words before, as if no one had ever allowed him to cry it out, as if no one had ever truly listened to him. I could feel my own tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I forced myself to not cry, knowing he would go into full protective mode if he saw me cry.

I don't know how long we stood there for but I didn't care. I simply allowed him to cry it out as we held each other. After some time he pulled away, holding my face in his hands, looking down at me. I brought my hands to his face, wiping the tears with my thumbs. He turned his face into my hand, kissing the palm of my hand, before giving me a small smile.

"Feel better?" I asked, giving him a soft smile. He chuckled, giving me a small nod before speaking.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"Everything," I chuckled.

"You really are perfect, love," he said, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

A small blush rose to my cheeks and he moved his thumb over the light dusting of pink on my cheek. We both took a few deep breaths before opening the door and stepping into the corridor. Our small breakdown completely unnoticeable to the outside world.

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