Chapter 50: Betrayal

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The next hour was spent discussing a prophecy my father desperately wanted to get his hands on. Severus had heard this during a meeting of the Death Eaters, though I shuddered as he spoke, knowing he had put himself in danger to get this information. Silence filled the room as I pleased my hand on Severus's leg as he sat next to me. Albus had to leave quickly to return to Hogwarts as the ministry was keeping a closer eye on him and if he was away for too long they would get suspicious. Sirius was the first to speak after Severus finished his report and Albus left.

"We need to tell Harry."

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"Are you out of your mind?" Molly exclaimed.

"If anyone has the right to know it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. He's not a child, Molly," Sirius replied, turning to stare at her.

"He's not an adult either!" she exclaimed. "He's not James, Sirius!"

"He's not your son," Sirius replied and I sighed, knowing this fight would get us nowhere.

"He's as good as," Molly answered. "Who else has he got?"

"He's got me," Sirius answered. "And Y/n."

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon just like his godfather," Severus hissed.

"You stay out of this, Snivellus!"

"Sirius!" I exclaimed, the old nickname bringing back so many memories from our time in Hogwarts, but Sirius didn't pay any attention. He was focused on Severus.

"I don't care what Dumbledore says about your supposed reform. I know better," he spat.

"Then why don't you tell him so? Or are you afraid he might not take the advice of a man who has been hiding inside his mother's house very seriously?" Severus sneered.

"Tell me, how is Lucius Malfoy these days? I expect he's delighted his lapdog's working at Hogwarts, isn't he?"

"Alright, that's enough!" I hissed, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

Severus placed a large hand over mine as he began to speak. "I'll be leaving now, darling. You're welcome to stay and have dinner. Just make sure you come home after so I don't worry," he said, standing up to kiss the top of my head.

I turned around, looking up at him. "You're not staying?"

"You know I've never been one to stay for these meals. Besides, I don't think your Godson nor his Godfather," he hissed, referencing Sirius, "would appreciate my presence."

I stood up, taking his hand. "But I would."

He sighed, kissing my cheek. "It's alright, love. I'll see you after." He gave me a soft smile but it didn't last long as Sirius stood up, leaving the table and storming out of the kitchen. I sighed as Remus went to look for him.

"I don't want to stress you out, love. Stay with Molly and I'll see you after."


"It's alright, darling. I want you to spend time with your friends. It's alright."

Suddenly I heard a door slam and voices shouting through the house.

"You're acting like a child!" Remus yelled from upstairs. I flinched slightly, barely noticeable to anyone except Severus. He kissed my forehead as we heard Sirius's words that stopped everyone in their tracks.

"It's a betrayal! Of us! Of James! Of Lily!" he yelled, taking his time with each word, each one a blow to the chest before the final blow hit me, knocking the breath from my lungs. "They would be turning in their graves if they knew about this! It's a betrayal of both of them! They would be disappointed in her! And us for letting it happen!"

"Sirius!" Remus yelled before everything went silent. All eyes fell on me but I was too shocked to say anything. I heard footsteps upstairs from what I assumed was probably the kids coming to check on Sirius and Remus. My eyes were watering but I refused to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I moved to the sink, scoping my hair out of my face before washing my hands and grabbing a knife from the knife block. I could feel several pairs of eyes watching me as I moved to a counter next to Molly, beginning to help her slice the vegetables she hadn't yet finished.

"Oh, Y/n," she whispered, knowing what I was doing, but I was grateful she didn't say anything more. She simply passed me some more vegetables and continued chopping. I heard Severus sigh from across the room before scooping his hair out of his face and into a bun. He moved across the room, settling behind me to whisper in my ear.

"You're lucky I love you, sweet girl," he whispered, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

I chuckled, scooping up the vegetables and placing them into the nearby pot as Severus began washing his hands.

"What can I do to help, Molly?" he asked her and she turned, giving him a warm smile before explaining how to begin preparing the meat and broth for the stew. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs before Remus and Sirius stepped into the kitchen, Remus looking particularly furious before calming himself to take in the scene around him.

From the corner of my eye I could see Molly shake her head, a silent signal to Remus who remained quiet apart from a small sigh that escaped his lips.

"Sit down and shut up," he hissed at Sirius, who quickly took a seat, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

Remus moved to stand next to me, looking over the pot of vegetables. "Looking good, ladies," he chuckled, trying to break the tension in the room. He looked up, noticing Severus in the corner. "Looking good, Severus."

"The food or the bun?" Severus asked, a small smirk on his face.

"Both. Most definitely both," Remus answered. A giggle escaped my lips which caused all eyes to fall on me once again but I didn't pay any attention to it. Relief washed over me at the small sign of friendly banter between the two men. Two people that I cared so much for getting along sent warmth flowing through my body and the smile remained on my face long after I returned to cutting the vegetables.

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