Chapter 80: Authority

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"Sybill... she's been sacked."

Minerva looked as if she might vomit as she spoke.

"What?" I hissed in response.

"Umbridge... she's let her go."

Another shriek vibrated off the columns as Sybill yelled. "No! This cannot be happening! I refuse to accept it!" Her hair was sticking up in different places, her shawls hanging off her shoulders as she struggled to hold herself together. I wanted to run to her, tell her everything would be fine, and scream at Umbridge for daring to fire her, but Severus had a grip on my arm. I turned to him and he gave me a warning look. Don't make her angry.

"You didn't realize this was coming?" Umbridge squeaked, slowly walking toward Sybill as Filch placed one of her trunks in front of her. A few others lay upside down at Sybill's feet and rage surged within me as I could see her breaking. She tried to walk toward Umbridge but the trunk Filch had placed at her feet stopped her in her tracks. She stumbled slightly as Umbridge approached her and she tried to stand up tall.

"S-sixteen years I've... I've lived and taught here... Hogwarts is my home."

Umbridge simply stared blankly at Sybill as she continued to speak.

"Y-you can't do this."

"Actually, I can," Umbridge taunted, holding a piece of parchment in her hand, the Ministry logo unmistakeable. Sybill began breaking at this point, tears slipping down her cheeks. Minerva nodded to me, an unspoken understanding as I removed my arm from Severus's hold and we both made our way over to Sybill, holding her upright as she sobbed.

"Something you would like to say, dears?" Umbridge asked, smiling wickedly.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," Minerva hissed, soothing Syibll's cries as Umbridge turned to me, raising a brow.

Don't, Y/n... don't do anything you might regret.

I quickly put up my walls, blocking Severus from my mind as Sybill clutched my teaching robes.

"I have nowhere else to go," she sobbed. "Hogwarts is my home."

"I know, Sybill," I soothed. "It's alright. Everything's going to be fine."

"I wouldn't make those types of promises," Umbridge mocked, which only succeeded in making Sybill sob harder. I carefully handed her to Minerva, squeezing her hand gently before turning to face Umbridge, who raised a brow expectantly, waiting for me to say something as Minerva assured Sybill she wouldn't have to leave Hogwarts.

"And who are you to be making such promises?" she replied, her voice cold and dripping with malice.

"She's not going anywhere," I hissed.

Umbridge began explaining the law of the Ministry and I quickly interrupted her, the irritating voice beginning to get under my skin.

"She can stay in my chambers for all I care. You have no authority to ban her from Hogwarts."

She tried to interrupt but the doors swung open and Albus stepped into the entrance hall courtyard.

"She's correct. You do not have that authority."

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23, as enacted by the Minister–."

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers," Albus interrupted. "You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

"No- no, I'll g-go, Dumbledore! I sh-shall l-leave Hogwarts and s-seek my fortune elsewhere-."

"No," he replied sharply. "It is my wish that you remain, Sybill." He turned to Minerva. "Professor Mcgonagal, might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside?"

"Of course," she answered. "Up you get, Sybill."

Pomona ran over and grabbed Sybill's other arm as they both began guiding her back inside with Sybill thanking Dumbledore the entire way. Filius came scurrying over and lifted her trunks into the air with his wand; they quickly followed behind the three professors. When Minerva reached the door she turned to me, giving me a curious look. I nodded, silently telling her to go inside and I would be along shortly as Umbridge had already set her sights on me.

"And when I appoint a new Divination professor who needs her chambers, where will she stay, hm? Did either of you think that through?"

"Well, I'm quite certain you heard Professor Y/l/n say Sybill could stay in her chambers if needed. However, that won't be necessary as I've already found a new Divination professor who prefers lodging on the ground floor."

This seemed to really get Umbridge's blood boiling as she seethed.

"You... you've found? Might I remind you who has that authority?"

"Myself," Albus explained. "The Ministry allows you to appoint a suitable candidate if the headmaster is not able to find one... and I am happy to say that on this occasion I have succeeded. May I introduce you?"

My eyes widened as a centaur walked through the doors and Dumbeldore introduced him as Firenze. I recognized the name from Harry's first year adventures as he'd been the one to stop Voldemort from attacking Harry in the Dark Forest. Umbridge certainly wasn't going to like this, which only made it all the better.

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