Chapter 33: Take Care of Yourself

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The next few weeks were torture. The ministry questioned me about the events in the graveyard and when I told them what happened they were furious. I knew Cornelius was expecting me to tell him Harry was lying but when I corroborated Harry's story Cornelius was furious. The Order had sent me countless letters asking to meet with me to discuss what had happened in the graveyard but I kept putting it off. I didn't want to discuss what happened. Discussing it would make it real. There was also the worry of Harry's current state, knowing he had just fought Voldemort and found out I was the daughter of the person who killed his parents. I hadn't spoken to him since that night, having been in the hospital for the past two weeks under strict supervision by Madam Pomfrey, but I also worried what would happen when I finally faced him. Would he hate me? Albus entered the room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Y/n? May I have a word?" He asked, approaching the hospital bed. Albus closed the curtain behind us, turning to me with a grave look on his face. He took out his wand, muttering "muffliato."

"What is it, Albus?" I asked.

"I assume you've been getting all the letters?"

"Yes. I've received them all... Sirius, Molly, Remus, even Alastor," I sighed. "I just... can't right now, Albus. I can't face them."

"They won't think any differently of you, Y/n... they just want to know what happened."

"I just can't right now."

"I understand... but you can't keep putting them off... not to mention the fact that they are worried about you... we all are."

"I'm fine, Albus... now I need to make sure Harry is."

Albus placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes searching mine. "Are you taking care of yourself?" he asked, giving me a knowing look.

"Yes, Albus. When have I ever not taken care of myself?" I chuckled. A smile spread across his lips as he glared at me.

"The entire time I've known you, child, you've never taken care of yourself first. You were always so focused on taking care of other people that you never focused on yourself," he answered. His face was kind but I could see a familiar stern look in his eyes as he spoke.

"So untrue!" I exclaimed, jokingly, as our laughter filled the room.

"Have you spoken to Severus lately?" he asked me.

"I saw him yesterday."

"But when was the last time the two of you truly spoke?"

Cheeky bastard knows everything, I thought to myself. I didn't know what to say. Truth be told, Severus and I hadn't truly spoken since that night in the hospital wing. He seemed to tiptoe around any mention of that night in the graveyard and what happened with Cedric, seeming afraid that I would break at any mention of that night. He was extra careful with me, never allowing me to do anything for myself. All my needs were met and anything I wanted he would bring me. He refused to allow me to do any work and I wasn't allowed to return to teaching. He seemed so afraid that I would shatter into a thousand pieces at the slightest movement. I could specifically remember when I reached for the glass of water Poppy kept by my bed and Severus had practically jumped toward me.

"Your arm!" he had exclaimed, carefully lifting the once injured arm and inspecting it as if it would spontaneously split once again. I had assured him I was fine several times but I knew he didn't believe me and he had refused to touch me in any way other than helping me with personal hygiene. I had finally had enough of his constant worry when I tried to cross the room to go see Harry and he stopped me, telling me I needed to rest. I kicked him out of the hospital wing and I hadn't seen him since. After that day Poppy had moved Harry's bed next to mine, until he was released a few days later. I knew I had overreacted and that he just wanted to keep me safe but I hadn't been able to speak to him since. I hated being treated like I was going to break at any moment.

I looked up at Albus and he gave me a knowing look, taking my hands in his. "You should talk to him, Y/n. He's asking me what happened that night but it's not my place... the only one who can tell that story is you," he said. I knew he had knowledge of what happened that night from Harry but I hadn't really spoken of it much other than when questioned by the ministry. I smiled at him as Poppy approached us, telling me I was being released from the Hospital Wing.

"I'll call a meeting of the Order," he whispered, making sure no one else was around to hear. "You should go and get Severus."

I nodded, making my way down the corridor toward Severus's chambers, anxiety coursing through me as I reached his door.

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