Chapter 75: Don't Anger the Pink Toad

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I walked out of the Great Hall, Severus a few paces behind, trying not to make it seem obvious we were heading to the same location. We had planned to discuss the plan to bring me to my father but it appeared the universe had other ideas in mind as we heard the tap of heels behind us.

"Professor Y/l/n! I wonder if I might have a word with you!" the shrill voice called through the corridor. I pretended not to hear her as I continued walking. Severus had sped up, standing next to me as he struck up a conversation about upcoming potions assignments for the students. Suddenly I felt cold fingers wrap around my wrist and I stopped in my tracks, wheeling around to find myself staring at Dolores Umbridge. Before I even knew what I was doing my hand had reached for her wrist, prying her meaty fingers away from my wrist.

"Do not ever grab me like that!" I hissed, throwing her hand back, the force sending her stumbling back slightly. Her eyes widened as she looked up at me, slack-jawed.

"How dare you!" she shrieked, causing several students to look in our direction.

"No, how dare you!" I spat.

"You're insane!" she shrieked. I could see Harry, Ron, and Hermione watching the encounter from a few feet away, their mouths open wide.

"Lay a hand on me again and you'll find out just how insane I am. You may have the ministry wrapped around your little finger but I am not Cornelius! You will keep your filthy hands off me."

Her mouth hung open as she tried to figure out what to say. "I-I'll have you sacked!" she exclaimed. I simply laughed, turning away from her and heading down the corridor. She called after me and I could hear her footsteps quickly catching up with Severus and I. She ran in front of us, stopping us in our tracks. I rolled my eyes as she waved a finger in front of my face.

"You listen here, young lady! I've heard all about you and your history! I'll not have any of your storytelling this year!" she shrieked, trying to make her voice sound much more authoritative.

"You know nothing about me!" I spat, moving dangerously close to her. "Now, if you have something worthwhile to say, you have a few seconds of my time. If not I suggest you lower your finger and step out of my way. I am a busy woman and have things to do. I know the concept of work is foreign to you but some of us actually have work to do."

Her eyes widened once again but she quickly regained her composure. "I simply wanted to discuss your role in the classroom along with your relationship with Professor Snape."

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

There was a wicked glint in her eye as her lips pressed into a smile. "I'll expect you in my office in five minutes."

"I won't be there," I answered, preparing to walk past her. She stepped in front of me once again and I rolled my eyes.

"Miss Y/l/n-."

"Professor Y/l/n," I corrected, angering the pink toad even further.

"Your behavior will not be tolerated this term. You may have gotten away with things in the past but I will not stand for it!"

"Look, I have to discuss potions assignments and lessons with Professor Snape before the students begin classes. I do not have time to discuss this with you."

"It'll only take a moment," she insisted. Severus placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned to face him.

"It's alright. I'll just meet you in my classroom when you've finished. We can discuss things then."

Don't anger her, love. His voice filled my head and I sighed, turning to her.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," I said. She narrowed her eyes but said nothing more. She walked away, her pink Mary Janes clacking along the floor as she walked. I breathed a sigh of relief as she turned the corner. Several students were still standing nearby, their eyes wide. I turned toward Severus and he was glaring daggers at me.

"Are you out of your mind!" he hissed, keeping his voice low.

"According to her, yes," I answered.

"Did you even need the ten minutes or did you say that just to piss her off?"

"Why can't it be both?"

He turned to the students who were still staring, growling at them to return to their dormitories, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me around the corner. He backed us into a small nook in the corridor, pressing my body against the wall.

"Are you trying to get yourself sacked?!" he growled, his face dangerously close to mine. I could feel his breath on my face as his lips moved closer to my ear.

"You know me, Sev. I've never been one to take the ministry's bullshit."

"This is different, Y/n! Things are changing! Umbridge won't just take this lying down!"

"Good! I didn't expect her to! Maybe it'll keep her focus off of Harry!"

Severus looked taken aback as the words left my lips.

"Is that why you're doing this? For the boy?" He was seething by now, his hands balled into fists beside my head.

"Not just for him! I don't like her!"

"None of us like her, Y/n, but she calls the shots now!"

"Not with me, she doesn't. She tried to push Albus around at Harry's hearing and now she's here trying to do the same thing! I won't let her push me around! I could have kept my mouth shut until she grabbed me like that! I wouldn't tolerate that bullshit from a student! I'll be damned if I tolerate it from her!"

He shook his head, his eyes flashing. He grabbed my face, his two large hands engulfing my cheeks as he angrily pressed his lips to mine. One hand moved behind my head, tangling in my hair, as the other moved to my waist, his fingers tightly gripping me.

"You're insufferable," he hissed in between his angry movements against my lips.

"And you're an ass," I replied, growing breathless as he gripped my hair, tugging my head back to access the skin of my neck.

"But I'm your ass," he answered, pulling my collar down as he sucked on my skin.

"That you are," I answered, trying not to let out a moan at the way his lips felt on my neck. "Sev... we should go. If someone catches us..."

"I know, love."

We separated and I headed toward her office, making sure to walk slower than normal.

When I reached the office she opened the door before I could knock and I was instantly met with the sickening sight of pink. Everywhere. It covered the walls and furniture along with several moving photos of cats.

"Have a seat," she said, gesturing to a chair across from her desk before taking a seat across from me and folding her hands in front of her. "I'm sure you're aware you have a reputation, Miss Y/l/n."

"Professor Y/l/n," I hissed.

She pressed her lips into a tight smile. "You have quite the history of making outlandish claims."

"All of which were proven true."

"That remains to be seen."

"Oh, I thought it was seen when my uncle was arrested," I answered. "Unless you believe the ministry made a mistake."

"Absolutely not!" she exclaimed. "But you were a child. The claims you make now carry much more... weight and... fear."

"True claims, you mean?"

"False claims."

I scoffed. "Believe what you want but I've seen Voldemort."

"Don't say his name!" she shrieked.

"Voldemort!" I hissed. "To be afraid of a name is simply stupid, Delores."

"Bite your tongue!"

"Oh, piss off!" I spat.

"That's it!" she hissed, standing up from her chair. "There's no need to unpack your suitcase! You're fired!"

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