Chapter 63: Family

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I apparated to Grimmauld Place after having made sure all the lights were off and the cottage was locked. I quietly opened the door, stepping into the dimly lit hallway. Remus emerged from the kitchen, a bright smile on his face as he ushered me toward the dining table. I chuckled as he pulled out a chair.

"Not to worry. Those knuckleheads probably won't be up for a while and even if they wake, what are they gonna see? Us having a coffee. Nothing wrong with that," he chuckled, placing a cup of steaming coffee in front of me, prepared just the way I like.

"You remember how I like my coffee?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well of course. You couldn't get through Hogwarts without having your morning coffee in the Great Hall. I think all of us learned how you liked your coffee. I chuckled, realizing he was right. I needed my morning coffee those last few years in order to stay awake.

"Thanks, Rem."

He nodded, taking a sip of his own coffee before speaking. "Soooo..... Did you have fun?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I smacked his arm playfully as my cheeks turned slightly red.

"I knew it! I knew you were going to do it!" he whisper-yelled.

"Hey! When you haven't seen your boyfriend in almost a month things happen!"

"Hey, I get it. As long as you were safe. There's not going to be a little Y/n or a little Severus running around in nine months, is there?"

"Remus! No! We used a contraceptive charm!"

"Excellent. Not that I don't want to be an uncle but not yet! Don't age me already, Y/n!"

I laughed, taking another sip of my coffee.

"Thank you for everything, Rem. Severus said thank you also."

"Wait, he did?" Remus asked, seeming confused.

"Yes. He said, and I quote 'Tell Lupin thank you for me,'" I said, mimicking his deep voice. Remus laughed at my impression.

"My my. You almost sound just like him. Excellent work, Ms. Y/n."

I chuckled, taking a small bow. Suddenly we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and Sirius stepped into the kitchen.

"I could hear you two goons laughing like two school girls," he chuckled. "What on earth are you two doing up at this ungodly hour?"

"Hey! Just because you sleep in until noon doesn't mean the rest of us do," Remus said.

"Oi! I don't do that anymore, Moony."

I laughed at their banter, remembering our days in the Gryffindor Common Room when they would argue back and forth, though it was all friendly in nature. A small smile spread across my face as I took another sip of my coffee.

"What's that look for?" Sirius chuckled, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Nothing. You two are just funny."

"Glad we amuse you, m'lady," Sirius chuckled, taking a bow before sitting across from Remus and I.

"So, what are you two doing up so early?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep so I got up to get some coffee and you know Y/n when she smells coffee," Remus lied skillfully.

"Ah, yes. Y/n and her coffee. How could I forget," Sirius chuckled.

We talked for the next several hours and the conversation flowed easily. Suddenly we heard stomping coming from upstairs and Sirius sighed.

"Must be Buckbeak," he chuckled. "I'll go check on the old boy." He stood up, making his way upstairs.

Remus took our cups, placing them in the sink before sitting next to me again.

"So, in all seriousness, I'm glad you and Severus enjoyed yourselves."

"Thank you, Rem. It was nice. We got to talk too... I forgot how much I missed just talking to him."

Remus was grinning from ear to ear as I spoke.

"I'm happy for you, Y/n."

I felt guilty, knowing we would be staging a breakup soon, and I worried Remus would feel as if he'd done all that for nothing, but I tried to shove that feeling down.

"Thank you, Rem. Tonight meant the world to me and I know it meant the world to Severus too... even if he'll never admit that," I chuckled.

Remus placed a hand on top of mine. "I'd expect nothing less from him," he said, laughing as we heard Sirius hollering upstairs.

"Oi! Buckbeak! I get it! She's an old bat! Calm yourself!"

We knew Buckbeak was probably getting annoyed at the photos of Sirius's mother in her upstairs bedroom. I could swear Buckbeak hated Walburga more than Sirius did.

"Is everything alright with him and... You-Know-Who?" Remus asked, lowering his voice.

I nodded, saying nothing else.

"I'm glad. I was worried about the repercussions... for both of you... and I don't want anything to happen to either of you. I can tell you care about him."

"Thank you, Rem. We'll be alright. It'll be tricky for a while but we've got it worked out."

Remus gave me a curious look, before smirking. "You've got a plan, don't you?"

"Perhaps," I answered.

"As long as you don't break up I'll support whatever plan your devious little mind comes up with."

I chuckled at the irony, but didn't say anything else. Once again Remus gave me a curious look.

"Wait a minute..." He looked as if he'd figured it out and I quickly shushed him.

"Don't say anything out loud, Rem! Anything you say my father can use against you. Thoughts are a lot harder for him to separate from actual memories if he decided to use Legilimens on you."

He nodded and I continued.

"Geez, Rem! I swear that werewolf nose of yours can smell a plan from miles away."

"Perhaps," he answered, tapping his nose.

"As long as you keep quiet about it, Mister!"

"Yes, mom," he laughed.

"Remus, you must stop calling Y/n mommy," Sirius said as he entered the kitchen. "You're going to give her the wrong idea, my friend."

"Pads!" Remus exclaimed and the three of us burst into laughter.

"No. Remus is my son, Sirius. Didn't you know that?"

"Yikes. Your family just gets crazier and crazier."

Remus looked horrified as Sirius spoke, though he calmed down as I burst into fits of giggles, nearly toppling out of my chair.

"Wait until I tell you about the rest of my Death Eater family. Some of which happen to be your cousins."

"And this is why I love this girl," Sirius laughs, turning to Remus. "Who else would be able to joke about their Death Eater family."

Remus shook his head, though he couldn't contain his own laughter. We heard a few pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs as Molly and Arthur came into the kitchen.

"Looks like the whole family's here then!" Molly exclaimed, making her way to the fridge to begin preparing breakfast.

"It's not complete until mom gets here," I said, standing up and giving Molly a hug.

"Ah, yes. My children," Molly beamed, turning on the stove.

I smiled, content at the atmosphere in the room. While I knew it wouldn't last forever, I was enjoying it while it lasted.

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