Chapter 10: Healing

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Bright lights obscured my vision as I tried to open my eyes, blinking away the fuzziness. I groaned as I tried to move my arm and was met with searing pain.

"Darling?" I turned toward the sound of Severus's voice. I blinked a few more times and his dark onyx eyes came into view. I smiled softly at him and he breathed a sigh of relief as he brought my hand to his lips. "Thank Merlin. I was so worried."

I saw Minerva sitting next to him, a bright smile on her face, as Poppy walked toward my bed, a small vial in her hand.

"How are you feeling, dear?"

"Like I got attacked by a dragon," I chuckled. She smiled softly at me before placing the vial to my lips.

"A potion for the pain, dear," she said as I swallowed the potion. "I'm going to take a look at the wound, now, dear... this may hurt a bit. The potion will help but there's only so much I can do, so... brace yourself."

I nodded and Severus placed a hand on my good shoulder as I gripped his other hand tightly. Poppy began removing the blood-soaked bandages, tossing them in the trash. The wound was no longer open as the salve she had placed on it before wrapping had done most of the healing work. She carefully began cleaning the area and a burning sensation spread through my arm. I clenched my jaw, gripping Severus's hand tightly, as I tried to control my screams.

"I'm here, baby... I'm here," he whispered, burying his face in my neck as I turned toward him, burying mine in his hair, soft whimpers leaving my lips. "I know, baby... I know. It'll be over soon," he soothed, pressing soft kisses on my neck.

"Poppy, how much longer?" Minerva asked.

"Almost done," she replied as she reapplied a salve to my arm and the burning increased. "I know, dear. I'm so sorry," she whispered, wrapping the wound.

Severus lifted his face from my neck, pressing his lips to my forehead, as I gripped his hand tightly.

"There, all done, dear," Poppy said, getting rid of the bandages before gently touching my arm and heading to her office.

"You did wonderful, darling," Severus said, smoothing my hair away from my face.

"It hurts, Sev," I whimpered as a dull ache began to settle in my shoulder.

"I know, baby. Just rest, now," he soothed, gently rubbing my cheek.

"Is Harry okay?" I asked as I felt myself growing tired.

"Yes, love. He retrieved the egg with no problem. He's fine."

"That's good," I murmured, feeling my eyelids growing heavy.

"Just rest, baby," he soothed and I slipped away, allowing sleep to take me.


I slipped in and out of consciousness over the next few hours. I remember Severus holding my hand through all of it and Poppy changing the bandages a few more times. She said I wouldn't have a scar and I was happy about that. Harry had been in to visit me and I congratulated him on defeating the dragon before I slipped out of consciousness again.


I awoke to the feeling of a hand on my forehead before I opened my eyes, seeing Poppy standing over me.

"Ah, she's awake. We were getting worried, dear."

"Why?" I asked.

"You spiked a fever about an hour ago and we couldn't get you to wake up. We were worried about an infection but nothing seemed to be wrong."

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