Chapter 7: Hermione

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I was walking through the corridor when I heard Harry's voice echoing off the walls. "We attacked each other at the same time!"

I quickly made my way toward the sound of the voices, seeing Hermione holding her hands over her mouth.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron said to Severus. "Look!" he pointed toward Hermione and she reluctantly moved her hands away from her face, exposing large teeth that had grown past her collar.

"I see no difference," Severus said. Hermione's eyes filled with tears and her eyes flicked to me.

"Seriously, Severus?!" I hissed as Hermione began running away. I heard several Slytherins laughing as they pointed at Hermione.

"Get to your class this instant!" I hissed and they quickly ran off as I heard Harry and Ron begin yelling at Severus. He gave them detention before taking away house points and I stormed over to him after sending the Slytherin students away.

"Harry, Ron, would you give us a moment, please? Ron, if you could go and make sure Hermione is alright, that would be much appreciated."

"Mr. Weasley is due to be in my class right now," Severus hissed but I turned to him, sending him a glare that could kill.

"Mr. Weasley is excused from your class to ensure Ms. Granger is alright and to get her to the hospital wing."

"Mr. Weasley is not excused from my class and I'm sure Ms. Granger can make her own way to the hospital wing."

"Severus, I swear..." I trailed off, turning to Ron. "Please ensure Hermione gets to the hospital wing. You are excused from Professor Snape's class. If he has a problem with it..." I turned to Severus. "...he can take it up with me. Harry, why don't you head into the potions classroom. Professor Snape will be along shortly." Harry nodded and he and Ron went their separate ways. Once they were out of earshot I began speaking.

"Are you out of your fucking mind, Severus! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Don't you dare speak to me that way!"

"No, you don't get to turn this on me! How could you say that to Hermione?! That was cruel even for you!"

"Oh, please! The girl is fine."

"Are you fucking delusional?!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"No! You need to watch yours! That was out of line and you know it! I'm done with this argument. Get in your classroom and I swear, Snape, if I hear that you've done anything else to Harry and his friends I will make you regret it!"



I turned away from him, heading toward the hospital wing.


"Poppy, are you sure you haven't seen Ms. Granger or Mr. Weasley?

"Yes, dear. They have not been here."

"Alright. Thank you for your time, Poppy."

She nodded, giving me a warm smile and I made my way toward the Gryffindor Common Room.

As I reached the portrait, the Fat lady greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hello, dear! Am I glad to see you! There's two students in there and one seems to be crying her eyes out. Go right on in. I don't need the password from you, just do something about the ruckus. Oh and make sure the girl's okay."

"Thanks," I chuckled and climbed through the portrait hole, seeing Ron and Hermione sitting on one of the couches.

"I'm sorry, Y/n... I-I tried to bring her to the hospital wing but she won't go."

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