Chapter 83: The Attack

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I awoke with a start, sweat dripping down my face as the sheets clung to my skin. On nights like these I would cling to Severus, trying to forget the horrid nightmares, but tonight the bed was empty, as it had been for the last several months. I searched my brain, trying to recall whatever nightmare had stirred me from my sleep, but my mind could recall nothing. The winter holiday had quickly approached and most of the students had gone home. Harry and I were planning to return to Grimmauld Place tomorrow afternoon, along with the Weasley children, following Harry's first Occlumency lesson with Severus. It had taken a bit of convincing for Severus to agree to the lessons but he'd conceded. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door, pulling me from my thoughts. I climbed out of bed, throwing on a dressing gown and grabbing my wand. I cautiously opened the door, finding a nervous looking Neville standing just outside.

"P-Professor... I'm sorry to bother you but... Mcgonagall sent me to find you. I-it's Harry. He's had some sort of nightmare but we think it was real."

"Where are they?"

"Heading to Dumbledore's office."

"Thank you, Neville. Head back to your dormitory and try to rest." I quickly made my way toward Albus's office and on the way found Minerva and Ron guiding a shaking Harry.

"Aunt Y/n?" he called to me, his voice shaking as we reached the gargoyle guarding the office.

"I'm here, Harry. What's happened?" I asked as Minerva spoke the password and we entered the moving staircase.

"M-Mr. Weasley. He's been attacked... snake... Department of Mysteries."

"Slow down, Harry," I soothed. "It's alright."

He shook his head violently. "No! No, it's not alright! H-he's hurt!" He collapsed into my arms as the wall opened up in front of us and we walked toward Albus's office. Minerva knocked on the door and it swung open on its own.

"Oh, it's you, Professor McGonagall . . . and . . . ah." His eyes fell upon Harry as we entered the room. Ron took a seat as Minerva began explaining what had happened. Harry clung to my side as she spoke, though he quickly disagreed when she stated he'd had a nightmare.

"Very well, then, Potter. You tell the headmaster about it."

Harry quickly began explaining what he'd seen in the dream, still holding onto me as he spoke. I could feel his body shaking as he spoke and Albus listened intently, though he wasn't looking at Harry. Even as he questioned him about certain aspects of the dream, his eyes still found ways to avoid Harry, settling anywhere else around the room. Harry jumped as Albus stood up quickly before moving to one of the portraits hanging around the room, quickly giving them orders to find Arthur. He was moving about the room in a hurry, muttering to himself.

"Minerva, ensure Molly does not worry herself into a fit. Don't let her leave for St. Mungo's before they've even alerted her of Arthur's injury. Get her children as well. Tell them to head straight to my office."

Minerva disappeared as Albus continued talking to the portraits, telling them we would be arriving at Grimmauld Place at different times, before the Weasley children arrived only a few moments later, equally as confused and horrified as the rest of us. I left Harry for a moment to explain what was happening, trying to calm them down as their breaths grew shallow and Ginny burst into tears. I held her, wiping away her tears as one of the portraits said they'd found Arthur. Albus began giving other orders regarding the safety of the Order and the prophecy Arthur was protecting, though most of this was in a code only Order members would recognize.

Harry cautiously moved toward Albus who still hadn't addressed him.

"Look at me!" he shouted. Everyone's eyes widened, falling on Harry as he shook, looking around at everyone. "W-what's happening to me?"

I gently handed Ginny to her brothers and walked over to Harry, cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder, trying not to spook him.

"Hey, love... you're alright. Look at me."

He turned around, eyes watering and his lip quivering as he faced me.

"Can I hug you, Harry?" I asked him.

He nodded, wrapping his arms around me. "I- I was the snake," he muttered against me. "It was me."

"It wasn't you, sweetheart. It's because of you that we were able to get to him on time."

"You wished to see me... headmaster?" Severus. Dumbledore looked up, his eyes locking with something, or rather someone, behind me as Severus entered the room.

"Oh, Severus," Dumbledore greeted, seeming relieved. "I'm afraid we can't wait... not even until the morning. Otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable."

"Aunt Y/n?" Harry looked at me, genuine fear in his eyes, as he looked between Severus and I.

"It's going to be alright, Harry." I cupped his cheek, wiping away a few stray tears with my thumb.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise," I answered. "Just work with Professor Snape... he'll help you shield your mind."

Before I could say anything more Severus grabbed Harry's arm, beginning to lead him out of the office.

"Professor!" I called to him. He paused, turning to face me. "Take care of him," I murmured. He nodded, leaving the office with Harry. I hope he knows what he's doing.

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