Chapter 31: Healing

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TW Open Wound, bandaging blood

A loud roaring filled my ears as I struggled to open my eyes. Images of Cedric laying in the graveyard filled my mind as did Harry's screams, each one seeming to fight for attention in the forefront of my mind. Tears formed behind my closed lids as I began slowly blinking them away.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice spoke, filling my ears with its calming sound. My lips formed a small smile as I opened my eyes, finding Severus sitting next to me.

"Oh, thank Merlin," he whispered, leaning forward and pressing his lips to my forehead. "This whole... you almost dying thing must stop immediately."

"Yes, I'll work on that," I chuckled. I knew the questions that I needed to ask but I was terrified of what would happen once the words left my lips.

"Y/n? What's on your mind, love?" Severus asked softly.

"H-how's Harry... and Amos? What happened to Barty?"

"Slow down, love. You must breathe. I'll not have you passing out on me again," he soothed. "Harry is fine. Barty has been transported to Azkaban and is awaiting the Dementor's Kiss. Amos is..." He trailed off, seeming reluctant to give me the answer I so desperately needed.

"Sev... just tell me."

"He's devastated... he's with his wife now but he's been asking to see you."

"I need to see him... and Harry."

"Potter is fine. No major injuries. You can see him when you're better. Amos is waiting outside and Madam Pomfrey will let him in when you're feeling better."

"I'm fine. Please, Sev... I need to see him."

He sighed, flicking his wand as Amos and his wife stepped through the hospital wing doors.

"Y/n!" Amos exclaimed. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright, Amos. I'm... I..." I wasn't sure what to say, for what could you say to a man when your father was responsible for his son's death? "I'm so sorry."

He nodded, his eyes filling with tears. "It's not your fault, Y/n... it's not your fault. Cedric admired you as a teacher and I know he could think of no better way to go than fighting Voldemort at your side."

I smiled softly. "He was very brave, Amos."

"No matter what happens... we want you to know that we appreciate everything you've done for him... you really were his favorite teacher... and we... we appreciate you and Harry bringing his body back." I could see the tears slipping down his face as he finished speaking, no longer able to contain them. I squeezed his hand, though not very tightly as my body was still weak. Amos and his wife looked down at my wrist, noticing the long bandage that stretched up my arm.

"Thank you," he whispered, no longer knowing what else to say. There were no other words when a father loses his child.

I returned his smile, no longer knowing what to say. At that moment Poppy came over, sparing me from having to say anything.

"How are you feeling, dear?" she asked, lifting my bandaged arm.

"I'm fine, Poppy."

She began walking around the bed, pulling the curtain closed as Amos and his wife took a step back. Poppy began inspecting the bandage, noticing how blood had begun soaking through it. Severus looked up, his eyes locking with Poppy's and they shared a look I couldn't quite understand.

"Y/n... do you remember the dragon wound?" Poppy asked softly. How could I forget it? It was quite a painful experience and one I hadn't soon forgotten.

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