Chapter 38: Mine

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A/N: I'm just going to apologize for some of the cringy things in this chapter. I wrote this a while ago and... I'll just let you read for yourself. Apologies in advance.

I sobbed as Severus held me, protectively. I cried out all of the pain from the last several years: the death of my friends at the hands of my father, the death of Regulus, and the overwhelming feeling of fear as I thought of what was to come. Nearly a half hour had passed before I pulled away, Severus wiping my tear-stained cheeks with his thumb.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"A little," I answered, giving him a small smile. "Though that's only because you're here."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, love," he chuckled. "You're stuck with me."

"Good," I answered, taking a deep breath as I composed myself, knowing there were still things we needed to discuss. "Sev, about the whole Sirius thing... I'm so sorry. I don't even know how to explain what happened. It... it felt like I was 16 all over again." That simple sentence conveyed so much and I could see the understanding flash in his eyes, knowing I wasn't just talking about my relationship with Sirius. There wasn't much of my childhood where I truly felt safe, much of which I can't even remember, but the times with Sirius and Severus had always made me feel safe.

Severus pushed my hair out of my face, cupping my cheek in his hand, as he pressed his forehead to mine, his eyes piercing down at me.

"I understand, love. It's just... seeing you on his lap... I wanted to take you against that table and make him watch for even daring to have his hands on you."

"Sev," I whispered as my breath hitched.

"Mine," he growled, moving his hands down my body, sending a tingling sensation running along my skin.

"Mhm," I moaned in agreement.

"Say it, little one."

"Yours, Sev... I'm yours."

He brought his lips to my neck, sucking the skin there before bringing his face back to mine, staring into my eyes.

"Say it again. Let me hear you, baby."

"I-I'm yours. Please, Sev," I whimpered as his lips moved to my collarbone.

"That's right, darling. Mine. Mine to love. Mine to protect. Mine," he growled. While his nature was entirely dominating, I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms as he promised to protect me. I knew he did that intentionally, knowing I needed to feel a sense of security at the moment.

I could feel his lips forming a smile as pressed them to my neck. "I love you, sweet girl," he murmured.

"I love you too, Sev."

His smile grew as the words left my lips and he offered me his hand, guiding me toward his bedroom. He shut the door behind us and instantly pressed my body against the door, moving his hands under my shirt before quickly pulling it off. His eyes fell on my green, lace bra, and his expression darkened, lust clouding his eyes.

"You look perfect in my house colors, love," he whispered, pressing his lips to mine as his tongue invaded my mouth in a most welcome fashion. He picked me up and I squealed in delight as he walked us over to his bed, carefully laying me down on the black sheets, climbing over my body.

"Hello princess," he chuckled as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He made short work of removing my pants, bra and underwear, wasting no time before bringing his face to my dripping core.

"Don't tell me you got this wet from sitting on that mutt's lap," Severus growled, sucking my folds between his teeth.

"No," I moaned.

"Oh, really?" he chuckled. "Then who got you this wet, darling?"

"You know who," I moaned.

"You-know-who?" Severus exclaimed. "I thought he was your dad."

"Severus!" I exclaimed, pushing his head back toward my throbbing clit.

"Tell me, princess. Who got you this wet?"

"Y-You, Sev!"

He sucked my clit, swirling his tongue over the swollen nub. "That's right, baby. Say it again. Tell me who gets you this wet."

"You, Sev! You! Only you!" My fingers tangled in his hair

"Good girl. I can tell you're close. Let go for me, baby. Let me taste you."

At his words I moaned, my cunt clenching around nothing as he sucked my clit. I released inside his waiting mouth.

"Such a good girl," he whispered, crawling over me, pressing his lips to mine. His tongue explored my mouth and I could taste my release on his tongue. He quickly rid himself of his trousers, grasping his throbbing cock in one large hand. He pressed his forehead to mine, searching my eyes. "Ready?"

I nodded, pressing my lips to his as slid his cock inside my waiting cunt. We swallowed each other's moans as he began softly pumping inside me. He looked down at me, his lips pulling into a soft smile as he pushed my hair out of my face. I whimpered as his cock dragged along my cunt and he smirked at the sound, increasing his pace.

"I love you," he said, enunciating each word with a careful thrust.

"I love you too," I whispered, feeling my orgasm approaching quickly. "Sev, I-I'm gonna cum."

"I know, baby. I can feel you clenching around my cock. Cum for me, sweet girl. Let go." He pressed kisses along my hairline as my body writhed in pleasure. He brought one hand down to my clit, coaxing my orgasm out of me. "Merlin, love, you're perfect," he whispered, staring into my eyes as my orgasm washed over me, his own following quickly after. My body slowly came down from its blissful high, breathing heavily, as he carefully unsheathed his cock from me. "So beautiful," he whispered, smoothing my hair out of my face. I smiled, pure bliss washing over me as he cast a cleaning and contraceptive charm over our bodies.

"I'm sorry, Sev," I whispered, still feeling guilty about what had happened with Sirius.

"I know, baby... I know. It's okay," he soothed. "Just rest now, sweet girl."

And that's exactly what I did, feeling safe in his arms as I allowed myself to fall asleep.

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