Chapter 35: The Truth

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We reached Grimmauld Place promptly, stepping through the gate. Severus held my hand tightly in his as we reached the door. We didn't bother knocking, knowing they were expecting everyone to arrive. Severus opened the door, holding it open for me before taking my hand once again. We were greeted by Remus, smiling largely as he pulled me into a hug.

"How are you, Y/n?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Rem," I assured as he led us into the kitchen. He paused, leaning to whisper in my ear. "You're not a very good liar, young lady," he chuckled. "But I understand... given what must have happened."

I smiled, giving him a small nod, as we made our way into the kitchen. Everyone was already there and I could feel their eyes watching me as Remus led Severus and I to the table. I could sense his hesitancy to sit at the table but when I took his hand he immediately sat down.

"Alright. We all know why we're here," Albus began, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. "Let's not waste any time. Y/n? I believe you have information for us." He gestured toward me and I wiped my hands on my pants, trying to get rid of the sweat that had accumulated there. I leaned forward, clasping my hands together on the table as I began explaining what happened that horrible night. Everyone's eyes remained locked on me as I recalled every horrible detail of that night: how Barty put me under the Imperius Curse, how each and every Death Eater I came into contact with knew not to hurt me, and how Wormtail had made the mistake of bruising my wrist, causing my father to be angry with him... and the most important detail of all... how it was my blood that brought him back to life...

"...because I'm his daughter," I finished, as several gasps filled the room.

"You... you're..." Sirius sputtered, trying to understand everything he had just heard. "No... that's not possible," he whispered, barely audible over the roaring in my ears, but still loud enough for me to hear... still loud enough to pierce my heart.

"I'm telling all of you this because you need to know... because you have a right to know, but I'm still the same person I've always been."

Silence filled the room apart from the occasional sound of someone swallowing thickly. No one knew what to say and I couldn't blame them. Molly was the first to speak.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. The question surprised me as I had been expecting them to kick me out and tell me I was a traitor.

"I'm fine," I answered automatically, so familiar with the automatic response that it had become second nature. Severus placed a hand over mine on the table and Sirius looked away. I could feel the guilt rising within me but I tried not to focus on it.


I looked up, my eyes locking with Molly's as she gave me a sympathetic look. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and it started to feel as if the walls were closing in. I was suddenly surrounded by the overwhelming feeling of being trapped. My breathing began to grow heavy and I stood up quickly.

"Excuse me," I muttered, making my way out of the kitchen. I didn't really know where I was going. All I knew was I needed out of that room. I made my way up the stairs as I heard murmuring coming from the kitchen. I ignored the sound and headed for the first door I saw. What I didn't pay attention to before walking into the room was the nameplate on the door. I swung the door open, just needing a place where no one would find me to calm down for a moment, though this wasn't the best place to do it. A small, framed photo sat on the nightstand. It was a photo I recognized all too well, one we had taken at the Malfoy wedding. Regulus stood next to a much younger Severus and a much younger me, smiling brightly at the camera. Regulus had said something funny to the two of us and we had begun laughing as the photographer tried to snap the moving picture. No... this can't be... I turned around, finally looking at the nameplate on the door: Regulus Arcturus Black. I fell to the ground in front of the door, tears slipping down my cheeks as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard other voices throughout the large house calling my name but I couldn't respond. I sat on the floor staring at the picture as the footsteps grew closer. We looked so happy back then. Little did we know everything would go to hell as we got older.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice spoke, moving closer. "Hey, pup. What are you doing in here?" he asked softly. I thought Sirius would be angry at me for being in his brother's room but his voice held nothing but concern for me. He followed my line of sight, noticing what I was looking at. He walked over, plucking the picture off of the nightstand and walking toward me. He placed the picture in my hands, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, carefully lifting me up.

"You keep that. He would've wanted you to have it," he said, pointing to the picture as he lifted me off the ground. "Let's get you downstairs, pup. Everyone's worried."

I held the picture tightly in my hands, allowing Sirius to lead me down the stairs. Molly was searching a room when she saw Sirius helping me toward the kitchen.

"Oh! My dear child, what happened?" She looked to Sirius when I didn't answer but he could offer no explanation either.

"Let everyone know I've found her and to return to the kitchen."

Molly nodded, leaving us as she went to find the others. Sirius led me into the kitchen, sitting down and pulling me on his lap. I knew I shouldn't have allowed myself to sit on his lap but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. It was as if my mind had sent itself back to a time when I was safe, when my uncle couldn't hurt me anymore, when I was living with Minerva, and when Sirius had told me he loved me. I knew I shouldn't feel this way but I couldn't help it.

"Pup, what made you go to his room?" Sirius asked, gently lifting my chin.

I shrugged. "Guess I just needed somewhere to be alone... guess I picked a bad room to enter. I-I'm sorry for just walking through your home."

"You know you're welcome in any room in this house, Y/n. It's not about that... I'm just worried about you. I don't want you putting yourself through any more pain."

"I just miss him, Sirius," I sobbed, burying my face in his chest.

Before I could say anything else the other members of the Order entered the kitchen. Severus took in the sight of Sirius holding me on his lap, his jaw clenching at the sight of my face buried into his chest.

"Y/n?" his deep voice growled. I looked up, jumping off of Sirius's lap. Relief washed over me and I ran toward Severus, still holding the picture in my hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

What was that? He asked me, using our shared form of communication.

Me being an idiot, I answered.

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