Chapter 49: The Meeting

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The summer passed fairly smoothly, apart from Severus and I trying to settle into a new routine. He always made sure I was asleep before he would allow himself to fall asleep, seeming afraid I would slip away and take the potion again. I felt truly guilty for having worried him but over time he began to trust that I wouldn't go back on my word. The nightmares were still there but they became much easier to manage as time went on. A few months later I was sitting in my living room with Severus when an owl swooped in through the window, a small letter attached to its leg. I stood up, petting the small owl and taking the letter from its leg. I gave him a few treats before sending him on his way. Severus stood up, noticing the letter in my hands which was addressed to both of us. I slid my thumb under the flap, tearing open the letter.

Y/n and Severus,

I am calling a meeting immediately. You know the place.


I chuckled, wondering how he even knew we would for sure be in the same place. "That man never misses a thing, does he?"

Severus laughed, though we could both feel the tension in the air as we wondered why a meeting was being called. He took my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine, before apparating us to Grimmauld Place.

We arrived at the door and Severus didn't bother knocking. He pushed open the door, guiding me inside and closing the door behind him. We made our way down the hall, heading into the kitchen.

"Y/n! There you are! Have you heard what happened?" Sirius exclaimed, pulling me into the kitchen and pulling out a chair for me to sit.

"Mrs. Figg sent a letter. Harry was attacked by Dementors!"

"What!" I exclaimed. "Where is he?!" I could see Severus standing in the back of the room but I was too focused on Harry's safety to pay much attention to anything else.

"Alastor, Tonks, and Kingsley went to get him along with a few other members. He'll be perfectly protected until he gets here. At which point we'll be here to look after him."

I nodded but I could see Sirius wasn't done talking. "Sirius, what else is wrong?"

"Well, it appears Harry used a Patronus charm to get rid of the Dementors... and his cousin was there. Mafelda Hopkirk tried to expel him from Hogwarts." He looked up, noticing the horror in my eyes. "Don't worry! Albus was able to suspend the expulsion pending a formal hearing."

I nodded. "When will they be here?"

"Within the hour."

"Who was on guard tonight? Who was supposed to be watching him?"

"Mundungus Fletcher. It appears he left Harry unattended. Mrs. Figg was furious."

"As she should be! I'm furious!" I hissed.

At this moment Albus walked into the kitchen. "Mundungus will be dealt with. Everyone please take a seat. We are waiting for a few other members who will be here soon. We have things to discuss. Hermione, and the Weasley kids are upstairs. They'll be there to see Harry to his room and help him get settled."

I turned around, finally noticing Severus standing in the back of the room. I tilted my head slightly, gesturing for him to come sit at the table, but he shook his head softly. I sighed, turning my head to the group as Albus began speaking.

"Voldemort is growing stronger by the day. He seems to be trying to build up his army once again. Y/n..." All eyes turn to me as Albus continues. "I'm afraid I must once again ask if you have any information."

"I'm sorry, Albus. I have not spoken with my father or any of his previous followers since they kidnapped me."

"The Malfoys included?"

"I spoke with Narcissa briefly but she's not a Death Eater. She's simply married to one. Nothing of importance was discussed during that conversation other than the fact that Lucius and my father want to see me."

Murmurs filled the room as the words left my lips.

"Y/n... would you ever... join them?" Sirius asked softly.

I scoffed, growing angry as I heard Narcissa's words in my head: No one expects you to join them... At least not anyone who truly knows you. I wanted to be angry at the question but I knew it was a perfectly reasonable question. I sighed, turning my attention to Sirius.

"No. I would ever join them. He may be my birth father but blood doesn't make a family. That much has been proven time and time again... and I hope you don't think I would ever actually join them."

"I don't... I just needed to ask. I-I needed to hear you say it," he answered, looking down.

"I understand, Pads." I placed my hand on top of his on the table. He looked up at me, giving me a warm smile and placing his other hand on top of mine. Suddenly we heard the main door open and footsteps heading down the hallway.

"What do you recommend we do?" Minerva asked softly, finally speaking after seeming deep in thought.

"I'm not sure, Minerva... I don't know how we should handle this... but we can't stand by and do nothing."

"She's right! He's getting stronger and stronger by the minute! We have to act now!" Sirius exclaimed as several members walked into the kitchen, Harry still standing in the hallway.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Molly exclaimed, stepping away from the stove to lightly slap Sirius.

Sirius looked up, locking eyes with Harry as Molly stepped out of the kitchen, closing the door behind her. I could hear them speaking though I couldn't make out what they were saying. Molly reentered the kitchen, returning to the stove as I sighed, placing my head in my hands. Sirius placed a hand on my back, gently rubbing circles between my shoulder blades, but I instantly felt a rush of guilt surge through me. I turned around, my eyes scanning the room for Severus. When I found him, still standing in the corner, I could see the anger in his eyes as he looked at Sirius's hand. I reached my hand toward him and his eyes softened as he walked toward me, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips before placing his hands on my shoulders. Sirius immediately dropped his hand but it didn't make me feel any better. I still felt guilty. What I couldn't figure out was if I felt guilty because of Sirius touching me... or because Sirius had to watch Severus hold me.

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