Chapter 43: Lunch

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"I've already told you I don't know!" I hissed, tired of having the same argument. I was sitting in Grimmauld Place as Mundungus Fletcher asked me for the fifth time this month what my father was planning.

"What about Snape? He was a former Death Eater and I suspect he's run right back to his master's side."

I stood up, pulling my wand from my robes and aiming it directly at him.

"Do not speak against Severus. You have no idea what you're talking about so I suggest you keep your mouth shut," I hissed.

He swallowed thickly, taking a seat slowly as I lowered my wand.

"I do not know what Voldemort has planned."

"Don't say his name!" Aurthur shrieked.

"Would you prefer I call him Tom then? Or how about father? What exactly should I call him because I refuse to fear addressing him."

"My apologies, Y/n. I didn't mean to upset you."

I nodded, turning my attention to the room as a whole.

"I will tell you all the same thing I told my father when he questioned me the night he returned: I don't speak for Severus," I hissed, carefully enunciating each word.

"But surely you've spoken to him about all this. Given the fact that you're in a relationship," Sirius said, spitting the word 'relationship.'

"Actually, no. For your information, Sirius, we haven't," I hissed. "We haven't spoken about that night since it happened. We don't talk about it."

"You don't talk to your boyfriend about your father," Sirius spat.

"Pads!" Remus hissed, moving toward me. I looked down. Sirius's words had hurt me and Remus could sense the shift in the room. "Real nice, Padfoot," he spat, placing an arm around my shoulders.

"Well, where is he now? Huh? Where is her little boyfriend when we're all having a meeting?"

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I fought to hold them in. I gave Remus's hand a reassuring squeeze before turning to Sirius.

"I don't track his every movement, Sirius. That's not what people in a healthy relationship do! He said he had to go into town and it's not like you guys exactly welcome him to meetings with open arms! It's not my business what he does in his free time! We don't spend every minute of every day together! So how about you butt out of my relationship!"

Silence filled the room as the words left my lips, hanging in the air as everyone stared at me. I backed away, walking out of the kitchen and heading toward the door.

"Y/n, wait! I'm sorry!" Sirius called, his footsteps getting closer. I felt his fingers wrap around my wrist as he stopped me from leaving. "Y/n, please don't go. I'm sorry."

I turned around, pulling his hand off my wrist. "Don't touch me!"

"Y/n, I'm sorry. Just stay and have lunch with us. Molly's cooking." he placed a hand on the side of my face, brushing away my tears with his thumb. I pulled away, trying to ignore the pounding in my chest.

"Please, darling. Just stay."

"Sirius, I need to leave. It's obvious you and I can't be friends without you constantly making some comment about my relationship with Severus. I can't be here if that's all you're going to do."

"Y/n, please. I can't lose you too," he begged, tears filling his eyes.

"Sirius, I'm tired of having the same argument with you over and over again. I'm with Severus. You have to accept that." Tears were slipping down my cheeks as I finished speaking.

"Pads, let her go. I think you've done enough," Remus said, emerging from the dark hallway. He placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"You are welcome to stay for lunch, Y/n, but I understand if you want to leave." A warm smile spread across his face as he waited for my answer.

"I should be getting back... I told Severus I wouldn't be long."

Remus nodded, pulling me into a hug. It was strange as I wrapped my arms around him, feeling how thin he had grown. There were so many things I had overlooked that I was beginning to notice as I pulled away from the hug. The dark circles under his eyes had grown more prominent and more scratches littered his neck, ones I hadn't noticed before. His once muscular arms seemed as if they were growing thin. I looked up at him curiously, gently squeezing his arm.

"Rem... have you been taking care of yourself?" I asked him softly.

"Of course, love."

I raised my eyebrows and he chuckled.

"It was a rough full moon this month but I'll be alright."

"Mmhm, sure. Are you eating?"

He chuckled, nodding to me before speaking. "Yes, but you're welcome to stay for lunch to make sure."

"Hm, I think I will."

His smile widened and he led us into the kitchen.

"She's staying for lunch!" Remus exclaimed, throwing his fists in the air. Cheers filled the room and I laughed as Remus pulled out a chair.

"Madam." He bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Mr. Lupin." I took a seat, chuckling as he pushed in the chair and took a seat next to me.

Molly began serving us plates of food and I noticed Remus began picking at his plate. I nudged him softly, raising a brow as he chuckled at my action.

"Don't make me spoon feed you Mister," I whispered in his ear.

He laughed, bringing a forkful to his mouth.

"Happy now, mom?"

"Yes, very."

Several members eyed us curiously while others simply laughed.

By the end of the meal most of the members had already left, thanking Molly for the meal as they went outside to apparate away.

I brought my plate to the sink, rinsing it off, as Remus did the same.

"When was the last time you slept, Rem?"

"You are such a mom," he said, laughing.

"Yes, my son," I answered, making my voice deeper. "Now, when was the last time you slept?"

"I'm fine, Y/n. I promise." He gave me a reassuring smile but we both knew I didn't believe him.

"Don't make me stay the night here, Mister!"

"Hey! I wouldn't mind that." His eyes widened as he realized what he said. "Wait! I didn't mean it like that!" His cheeks reddened as I laughed.

"Don't worry, Rem. I know what you mean."

"Good," he breathed a sigh of relief as we turned off the tap.

"I suppose I should get going. Severus will be worried if I don't return."

Remus nodded, leading me to the door as I said a quick goodbye to Sirius. When we reached the door Remus gave me a quick hug before I spoke.

"Make sure you get some rest. You look exhausted."

"I will, love. Promise." He lifted his pinky and I laughed as I locked mine with his.

"I'm holding you to that, Moony."

With that I left Grimmauld Place, apparating to Severus's home. What I didn't expect was to see Narcissa Malfoy in his sitting room.

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