Chapter 82: Occlumency

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An uncomfortable silence filled the hall as Minerva and I entered the room, arms linked with Sybill, as Filius and Pomona followed behind us. Umbridge was sitting at the Professors' table, clearly uncomfortable as her eyes kept flicking to the centaur sitting at the other end of the table. There was an empty space between where Minerva and I normally sat and as we approached Albus gave us a small wink, nodding to the seat. I smiled at him as Sybill's grip tightened and I followed her gaze to Umbridge who was now staring us down.

"Keep your head high," I whispered to Sybill. She nodded and we made our way to our seats.

"I see you didn't heed my warning," Umbridge hissed, giggling as she spooned a forkful of potatoes into her mouth.

I chuckled. "I don't usually respond to threats," I replied. "You should know that given how much research you've done into my past."

"Watch your tone, Professor," she retorted, her voice low and threatening, all while maintaining a sickening smile.

I simply chuckled, returning to my food. I could feel Severus watching me but I didn't dare look at him. Umbridge was watching me carefully, looking for any reason to sack me and I refused to give her one.

The meal finished quickly and I pulled Albus aside, telling him I needed to speak with him. Minerva looked at me curiously but I assured her everything was fine.

"I'll meet up with you tomorrow. Take Sybill back to her room, yeah?"

She nodded and I left the Great Hall, following Albus to his office.


"What can I do for you, Y/n?" Albus asked, taking a seat behind his desk.

"Has Harry spoken with you about his dreams?"

He shook his head.

"Perhaps that's because you haven't spoken to him all year," I replied, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

He sighed. "I'm afraid I've been avoiding the boy."

"Why?" I asked.

"I take it he's spoken to you about the dreams?"

I nodded and he continued.

"I fear they're not just dreams, Y/n... it appears Harry has a connection to Voldemort's mind. It's something I'd feared... but I'd hoped I was wrong."

"A... connection to Voldemort's mind?"

He nodded.

"And you didn't think perhaps that might be something to discuss with him?"

"I believe it could not be long before Voldemort attempts to force his way into Harry's mind... to manipulate and misdirect his thoughts. If he realizes our relationship was... or had ever been closer than that of headmaster and pupil... he would use Harry as a means to get to me. I fear the possibility that Voldemort might try and possess Harry."

"What could he gain from that?"

"Death," he answered. "Mine or Harry's... though I'm sure he'd settle for either at the present moment."

"What makes you believe he would try to possess Harry?"

"On those rare occasions... when Harry and I had close contact... I thought I saw a shadow of Voldemort stir behind his eyes. I believe if I can distance myself from him perhaps Voldemort will realize he has nothing to gain in tormenting the boy's mind."

"Shouldn't we be doing something about this connection, Albus? Occlumency? Something!" I exclaimed.

"I cannot be close enough to teach him, Y/n... nor can you. If your father sees you with the boy... I fear the complications that could arise."

"What about another professor? Surely someone else knows Occlumency... someone who wouldn't be affected by Voldemort."

"Severus," he answered.

"That's not what I meant, Albus. Severus has the most to lose in doing this! His mind is exposed to Voldemort practically every day!"

"Yes, but he's also the one best able to shield his mind from Voldemort apart from you... and he's also the one Voldemort would be least likely to suspect. If I give the order Voldemort will know Severus has no choice but to comply in order to maintain his cover."

I sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing this further and we were running out of time. "I hope you're right about this, Albus."

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