Chapter 32: The Minister

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I looked down at my arm and the sight shocked me. The skin was glowing a light blue but the color was quickly fading. The once torn open skin was now smooth as if nothing had ever been there.

"Darling," Severus whispered, looking down at my arm. His fingers lightly brushed over the skin. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"

I chuckled, leaning back against his chest. "You might have mentioned it."

"Don't you forget it," he chuckled, pressing his lips to my forehead before looking up at Poppy.

"What just happened?" he asked her.

"I'm not sure," she answered. I could see a million thoughts running around behind her eyes as she tried to determine what all this meant. "She healed herself.... It seems to be that her body began healing itself as soon as she woke. Her body self-healed instantly... I-I've never seen anything like this."

Severus looked down at me, his eyes moving back and forth between my healed arm and my eyes. "You're amazing," he whispered once again, gently stroking my cheek.

I smiled as he held me, seeming perfectly content in his arms. He grabbed a damp cloth from the bedside table, gently dabbing my sweat-soaked forehead. Suddenly the doors to the hospital wing burst open, sending Poppy into a frenzy.

"What is the meaning of this!?" she exclaimed as Albus and Cornelius Fudge entered the wing. Albus had a large scowl on his face, glaring at Cornelius, before turning to Poppy.

"I apologize, Poppy. The minister seems to think he has a right to burst in whenever he pleases," he hissed.

"I have sick people here! Out at once!" she exclaimed, walking toward the minister.

"I need a word with Y/n," he said, keeping his voice calm.

"Absolutely not!" She turned to Albus. "Albus, she just suffered a great ordeal... and her body is reacting strangely. She needs time to heal mentally as well as physically." The two of them shared a look before Albus turned to the minister.

"You will have to come back another time."

"Albus, I'm afraid this cannot wait. I need to get her story." He turned to me, noticing how Severus sat behind me, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "What on earth...?"

Poppy quickly closed the curtain. "Out!" she spat.

"I'm afraid I cannot leave without getting her story."

At this Severus stood up, carefully laying my shaking form on the bed. He stepped outside of the curtain and I couldn't see him but I knew he had his familiar scowl across his face.

"Severus," the minister greeted, receiving only a grunt from Severus in response. "I'm sure you can understand... given the craziness the boy has been spouting about you-know-who returning."

"H-he's not lying," I said, my voice coming out raspy. Poppy stepped inside the curtain, placing a hand on my forehead.

"You don't have to talk to anyone right now, dear," she soothed. "Your body needs time to heal."

"It's o-okay, Poppy."

"No. Absolutely not." She leaned down, moving closer to me so only I could hear her. "Your body just magically healed itself. You need time to cool down from that. You still have a fever and I am not allowing him in here when you are in this state." She gave me a warm smile before removing her hand from my forehead and stepping outside the curtain.

"What does she mean he's not lying?" Fudge asked, growing concerned.

"You will have to talk to her about that when she's feeling better. If you do not leave this hospital wing immediately I will have you removed," Poppy answered, standing her ground.

I heard footsteps moving closer before Mr. Diggory's voice spoke up.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Mr. Diggory. I suggest you step aside," the minister answered.

"Madam Pomfrey, is everything alright?" he asked her, completely ignoring the minister.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Diggory. The minister was just leaving," she answered and I could hear the venom in her normally sweet voice.

"I most certainly was not!" he exclaimed.

"You most certainly were," she answered calmly. While I couldn't see her face I knew the familiar motherly look she would get when it came to protecting her patients was plastered across her face at this moment. Silence filled the hospital wing as Cornelius tried to determine his next move. It took a few moments before he finally answered.

"The moment she begins feeling better you are to let me know, Albus. I must get a statement from her or the people will be sent into a frenzy."

"And if she corroborates the boy's story?" Albus asked.

"She won't," Cornelius answered, leaving the Hospital Wing without another word.

Severus returned to me, gently opening the curtain before taking a seat beside me. My body was shaking, a familiar chill settling within my bones. He lifted a hand, carefully touching my forehead.

"You're burning up, my love," he said, once again grabbing the damp cloth and pressing it to my forehead. Poppy entered the curtain once again, a concerned look on her face as she took in my shaking form. She took a vial of potion from a small bag on the counter, bringing it to my lips. The strange liquid slid down the back of my throat and I gagged at the taste.

"What was that?" Severus asked.

"Something to break the fever," Poppy answered as Severus nodded. A fuzziness washed over me as the potion began working its magic and I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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