Chapter 62: Stay Out of Trouble

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"I think you know what we have to do," he said softly. I looked up at him, noticing the sad look in his eyes.


"Love, I don't want this life for you. I fear it may be coming no matter what but the longer I can protect you from it the better... even if I can only protect you from it for a year... I would do whatever it takes. This job takes a toll on you and I don't want you losing yourself over this."

"Sev, what are you saying?" I rolled over, bracing myself up on my elbows as I looked at him. His hand gently rubbed my back as he tried to find the right words.

"Y/n... your father is going to pressure me to bring you to him... and as long as he thinks we're together... I won't have a valid reason not to."

"A-are you saying we should break up?" I asked softly, trying not to let my voice crack as I spoke. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

"No, love... not for real... but he can't think we're together. It would need to be staged... somewhere other people are around. You know people love to gossip and that way if your father were to capture and use Leglilimens on someone in the Order... or me... at least he'd have a real memory to look at," he replied, gently pushing the hair out of my face.

"But, Sev... if what you're saying about him is true... about him feeling guilty and actually caring... What do you think he's going to do to you if we break up? We'd have to be really careful about it. He can't think you hurt me or he'll come after you... but if he sees the reason I don't want anything to do with him is because I'm working for Albus... it'll get us both killed."

I could see the gears turning as he thought about the best way to handle this. "We can figure it out, love. We'll have to. I can't let you become one of us... not until there is no choice left."

"Do you really think I'd have to join him?" I asked softly.

"I don't think you'll have much of a choice if it comes down to it. We have to make him believe the only reason you don't want to see him is because you're angry with him. He cannot think you are truly loyal to Albus. That way... if he does eventually find you... at least we'll have a reason as to why you stayed away for so long."

I sighed, knowing he was right, but it didn't make this any easier. We stayed awake for another hour talking about our plan and enjoying the last few moments we had together before everything got a whole lot more complicated. It wasn't a sad parting for we knew we were protecting the other and we were grateful for the additional time Remus had given us. As he prepared to leave the cottage he turned to me, pulling me into his arms and kissing me one last time.

"Tell Lupin thank you for me," he said, genuinely and I smiled to myself as he turned to leave. "And Y/n?"

I looked up as I waited for him to continue.

"You take care of yourself, alright?"

"Don't I always?" I chuckled.

He furrowed his brows, though there was still a smile on his face as he spoke.

"And stay out of trouble, young lady."

"Yes, sir," I answered, giving him a salute.

His laughter was the last sound I heard before he apparated away, leaving me alone in the dimly lit cottage.

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