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I have yet to read this in one sitting, so please let me know if there are any mistakes! 

**Smut! Please read at YOUR own risk!**

Lance wasn't the same person as he was when he first joined Voltron and neither were his teammates. They changed just as much as he did but so did their attitudes towards him. No longer did they laugh at his jokes or his poor attempts at flirting. Instead they criticize him about every little thing that they don't like.

As the Paladins of Voltron, their job was difficult and extremely taxing on the mind and body. Ever since joining, he has had to work harder than ever before. He needed to become stronger, mentally and physically to be able to bear the burden of being a paladin. He trains his body in all forms of combat that was available in the castle of lions. He meditates daily to strengthen his mental barriers to keep away the emotions he didn't want coming forth.

Allura and Keith could be particularly cruel when they were in a mood and chose Lance as their punching bag for their harsh words. He knew it was because he didn't bother to argue back and it made him an easy target to take their anger out on. However, he was starting to get fed up from being treated like he wasn't worth respecting. He was supposed to be their friend and teammate.

Smelling Hunk's amazing cooking lured him to the dining room where everyone was already there. He couldn't remember when they stopped inviting him to dinner and when he stopped caring.

Hunk and Pidge were huddled together talking about something he could care less about. Coran, Allura, and Keith were talking about their recent missions and what they could do differently in the future. Lance wasn't interested in their conversations as he picked at the food on his plate, not having an appetite.

Lance missed Shiro because he always treated everyone the same and with respect. He never belittled Lance and made sure he was included in everything they discussed. With Shiro, they were a proper team with good communication and teamwork. Their recent missions have been difficult without Shiro taking command and leading them. Keith lacked leadership and blamed everyone else when things went wrong.

Lance finished his food quickly and headed towards the training room to clear his thoughts, his bayard in hand. Lance began his training with meditation, pushing unwanted thoughts and emotions behind his mental barriers. Once he felt ready mentally, he began to stretch and properly warm his body up before he summoned the training bot.

"Begin training sequence!" Lance called out, his bayard in hand and ready. "Level 18."

The bot materialized in the center of the room and Lance hit it with a well aimed shot from his rifle. Instead of taking the shot, it summoned a shield to block the bullet before it charged at him immediately with a spear in hand. Lance managed to change his rifle into a spear to defend himself from blow after blow as the bot attacked him.

The bot was relentless with each attack and every hit left his entire body feeling as though it was being rattled. Using both the shield and the spear to its advantage made it difficult for Lance to land a hit.

As a paladin, his bayard bends to his will and while the bot was attacking, he willed his bayard to materialize into his left hand where he shoved the dagger into its neck and severing its head from its body completely.

The bot disintegrated as it crumbled to the floor and Lance sighed in relief when the level finally ended. Taking a moment to catch his breath and wipe his brow, he continued to practice before he decided that was enough training for the day and headed towards the showers.

On the way to the showers, he couldn't help but feel as though someone were watching him. His shoulders felt strangely cool and his body was far more tense than usual. It wasn't like anyone could easily sneak into the castle of lions and if there was an intruder, they would have been alerted.

Lance blamed his paranoia as he stopped at his room to grab his toiletries. The scalding hot water was welcomed as it helped Lance's tense muscles relax. He closed his eyes and just let the water run down his body. These fast heating showers beat the ones in the garrison.

Just a few months ago he barely had any muscle and was extremely weak. Just the low level of the training was hard on his body. Keith often gave him a hard time but now he has the muscle and strength to properly fight and defend the universe.

Lance was competent in single hand-to-hand combat as well as group combat. He much prefers using his rifle and helping his teammates but if it were to come to close combat, he wouldn't be an easy opponent.

His body was well toned and lean, making him strong and fast. He was quick on his feet and had sharp reflexes. Altean technology allows the training bot to analyze him during fights and recognize his weaknesses. Each level was personalized to his specific style, focusing on his strengths and weaknesses.

The heat worked the stress and tension from his body, leaving him feeling boneless. The urge to take a nap was very strong considering his broken sleep schedule. He barely sleeps as his dreams often turn into nightmares.

"Lance? Are you here?" Keith called as he entered the showers and came across Lance standing naked beneath the spray. Lance didn't bother with the shield that acts like a wall to cover his body because he didn't expect anyone to come around.

Keith's eyes scanned Lance's body and he was not discreet about it. "Yes?" Lance turned to face him with a blank expression. Instead of freaking out or acting timid, he let Keith continue to stare at his body before the other Paladin snapped himself out of it.

Keith flushed a bright red and turned around to hide his inflamed cheeks. Lance rolled his eyes and turned the water off and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"If it's not important, I'm going to my room." Lance waited for Keith to turn back around.

"Another nap? You can't just be sleeping and lazing around all day while the rest of us are working hard." Keith scolded.

"I already trained for the day. If you don't believe me, check the footage." Lance grabbed his bag with his toiletries and stepped past Keith, not willing to deal with his attitude.

Keith grabbed his wrist. "You can't talk to me like that."

Lance scoffed and easily got out of Keith's grip. "I am not going to waste my time on someone so naïve."

Lance walked back to his room where he threw his bag into his small bathroom angrily. Lance got dressed and flopped down onto his bed feeling frustrated. He wanted to cry. He honestly didn't want to be here anymore. If this was considered so important and great, why didn't it feel like it?

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