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The Scavenger takes Norman high up around the city, threatening to drop him.

"Crane please, we can talk about this!" Norman yells.

Scavenger laughs maniacally.

"Feel that, Norman? That's fear." Crane says.

At that moment, Spider-Bat swings in, kicking Scavenger onto a roof, causing him to drop Norman from the sky. As Osborne falls, Peter quickly shoots a web onto his back, lowering him safely, then he quickly runs away. Spider-Bat lands on the roof across from Scavenger who slowly gets to his feet.

"You must be the Spider-Bat I've been hearing about."

"You've heard of me. So you know what will happen to you if you don't hand yourself over willingly."

Scavenger laughs.

"So serious. Tell me- have you ever experienced true fear?"

Peter doesn't answer the question.

"I didn't come here for you. Stand aside and let me take care of that worm Osborne." Scavenger says.

"Make me."

The Scavenger flies at the hero as he throws Batarangs. Crane easily knocks them out of the way and swings the sharp point of his wing at Peter, who dodges it. Scavenger swings his other wing, but Spider-Bat blocks it and lands a headbutt. He then lands a kick to the gut, knocking him back. As he stumbles back, Peter webs him, pulls him forward and lands a spinning back kick.

Peter grabs Crane by the shirt and pins him against a wall.

"It's over." Peter says.

"Not quite."

Scavenger quickly sprays Peter with gas from his wrist. The young man stumbles back, seeing bats all around him. He then sees his parents standing infront of him.

"Why did you let us die, Peter?" They asks.

While Peter is distracted, Scavenger opens his mouth and shoots out fire at Peter. As Spider-Bat is scared and on fire, he frantically tries to put himself out, but Crane kicks him off of the roof. Peter crashes through a car and drops to the ground, rolling around until the fire is put out. As he's on the ground, he still sees bats surrounding his parents, hearing them asking him why didn't he save them.

"Ben- help." Peter says through his communicator on his wrist.

Moments later, Peter wakes up in the back of the car, with Ben driving him home.

"It's alright, sir. You're safe."Ben says.

Peter takes off his mask and rubs his face. He then lays back down, still affected by the toxin. When they make it back to the mansion, Peter is sitting in the cave, running tests on the toxin that was in his system. Soon his hand starts to shake uncontrollably. Ben walks in and notices this, worried about the boy.

"Perhaps, you should take it easy for the night sir." Ben says.

Peter clenches his fist and takes a deep breath.

"I'll be fine, Ben, I just need to endure this. Scavengers still out there, and I have to stop him before Harry's dad gets hurt."

Ben nods, then hands Peter the phone.

"It's Ms. Stacy. Probably worried from your disappearing act, sir."

Peter sighs and takes the phone.

"Hey, Gwen."

"Peter, are you ok? We went back to the house and you were gone."

"Yeah, Ben came by and picked me up. I was really out of it from that hit, sorry for not saying anything."

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