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At Parker Mansion, Jill is stil waiting for Peter to come back. She starts to walk through the house, looking at the old photos of Peter and his family. Jill then looks over and sees Peter's piano, soon sitting infront of it. She starts to press random keys, soon triggering the secret passageway that startles Jill.

"Holy crap."

She slowly walks through the passageway and finds herself in the Batcave, stunned by the sight of it.

"Oh my God...I was right." She says.

Meanwhile Ben is dusting the computer then looks over and sees Jill, surprised to see her.

"Ms. Stacy-um- hello." Ben says.

Jill waves.

"Well- It seems that you have discovered my little secret. Yes, I admit it. I am Spider-Bat." Ben says.

Jill smirks at Ben, unconvinced by his confession.

"It seems you aren't buying what I am selling. Would you like some tea, Ms. Stacy?" Ben asks.

Jill chuckles.

"Yes, that would be nice."

Meanwhile outside Penny Cobblepot's apartment building, Commissioner Stacy and Detective Bullock are standing guard when they see a group of suspicious figures walking towards them.

"Radio into Montoya. Tell her we have company." Stacy says.

Bullock tries to contact Montoya through the radio but only gets static.

"What the hell?" Bullock asks.

"Their jamming the signal somehow." Commissioner Stacy tells him.

At that moment the group starts to open fire on Bullock and Stacy. The two quickly takes cover, drawing their weapons and firing back. Meanwhile in the apartment, Peter hears the gunfire below them.

"It's starting." He tells them.

Montoya tries to radio Commissioner Stacy but also gets static.

"Damn. They must have a signal jammer nearby." She says.

Stacy and Bullock continue to stand their ground, shooting a few of the men down. At that moment, one of Penguins men throws a grenade that lands nearby Stacy and Bullock.

"Ah shit." Bullock says as the two quickly run off to avoid the explosion.

Peter, Montoya, and Penny hear the loud boom below them.

"Grenade." Both Peter and Montoya says.

"Grenade?" Penny asks.

Montoya quickly sits with Penny, holding her hand.

"Don't worry everything will be fine, ok?" Montoya says.

Penny breathes, trying to stay calm.

Peter then tries contact Stacy himself.

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