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One night In New York City, Spider-Bat web swings at top speed, with a sense of urgency.

"You don't have much time, sir." Ben says.

Peter barrel rolls and runs across a roof top as fast as he can.

"I know Ben, I'm going as fast as I can."

Peter flips off of the building and continues to web swing through the city.

"You're almost there Master Parker." Ben says.

Peter then slingshots himself into the air.

"Come on. Come on. Come on." Peter thinks to himself.

At that moment, Peter looks down and sees his destination.

"I'm here!" Peter says.

"Well done master Peter, now hurry inside."

Peter quickly sneaks through a window, and privately changes into a tux. He then runs as fast as he can, making it to a seat infront of a theater stage. The young hero breathes out of relief as the stage curtain slowly opens and he sees Andrea performing. A smile appears on his face as he watches every second of the play that she's in, thinking that she looks absolutely beautiful.

When the play is over, Peter waits outside of the theater holding roses. Andrea soon walks outside and sees him.

"Peter." She says with a big smile.

Peter sees her and the two share a hug.

"Was I good?" She asks.

"Good? You were great. You were-"

"You said great." Andrea says, cutting him off.

Peter then hands her the roses.

"These are for you." Peter says.

"Aw, thank you. I love roses."

"Yeah, Jill may have told me."

"Tell me again. Was I really good? I was so nervous, my knees were shaking." Andrea says.

"Your knees were fine."

"The applause wasn't very loud."

"Yes it was. It's the acoustics. It's all about the fusion, it keeps the sound wave from grouping. See when the sound waves propagate, it's like an-"

"You are such a nerd." Andrea says.

The two smile at each other, then Andrea grabs Peter's arm and the two start walking. Andrea then rests her head on Peter's arm.

"Thanks for coming tonight, Peter." She says.

Peter smiles.

"Of course." Peter says.

Meanwhile in Arkham Asylum, the warden does his routine check. Everyone steps out of their cells, except for The White Golden.

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