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One night, a bleeding man runs for his life in the streets of New York. He hears foot steps getting closer, causing him to be overcome with fear. At that moment he is shot in the leg with an arrow, stopping him in his tracks. Out of the shadows, steps out a woman with long black hair, purple war paint, and black bullet proof vest with a skull in the shape of a cross on her chest. She aims her crossbow at the man's face.

"Wait! Wait! Please ju-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he is shot in the face with an arrow. The woman then walks away slowly, stepping over multiple dead bodies in the process.

One night later Peter is at the bar, playing pool with Jill and Andrea. Andrea knocks two of her balls in with ease.

"See I've never played this game, but that has to be cheating, right?" Peter says after Andrea finishes her turn.

Andrea giggles.

"It's called talent, Parker. Some people have it. And some people don't." She says.

The two smile and stare at each other for a moment, causing Jill to smirk.

"Welp, I have to go use the little girls room. Take over for me Pete, and don't let her out of your sight. She is quick as she is beautiful. Just like me."

The three chuckle as Jill leaves. Andrea then goes to hit the ball but doesn't knock any in this time, getting distracted by Peter's smile.

"Damn. There goes my shut out." She says.

"Wait you were going for a shut out against a new player? How do you sleep at night?"

"Hey there's no sympathy in the game of pool, Parker." She replies.

The two laugh as Peter takes his turn. Andrea quickly notices that he is struggling to keep the pool stick steady. He then hits the white ball, barely touching a single ball, causing Andrea to chuckle.

"How did I do?" Peter sarcastically asks.

"Well, you got potential. Sort of."

Andrea then grabs his hand and repositions his body. Peter can't help but think about how beautiful Andrea is, how good she smells, or how soft her touch is. Jill walks out of the bathroom and sees how close the two are standing together.

"Ok. Go for it." Andrea says.

Peter shoots but he sinks the eight ball in.

"No!" Jill yells.

"That good, huh?" Peter asks.

Andrea laughs.

"You're not supposed to sink the eight ball yet." Andrea tells him.

Peter chuckles.

"At least something went in this time."

"Tell you what. You two re-rack, I will buy rounds for the rematch." Andrea says, walking over to the bar.

Jill then smirks at Peter.

"I leave you two alone for one minute." She says.

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