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Up on the bell tower, the symbiote is laying on the ground, dieing without a host. At that moment Hush walks and approaches the dieing alien lifeform.

"He discarded you. Threw you away and left you here to die alone... He ruined you. Just like he ruined me." Hush says.

He then kneels down to the symbiote as it reaches out to me.

"You're calling out to me. Aren't you?"

Hush extends his hand as it slowly wraps around his body.

"Yes. You want revenge on him too."

The Symbiote fully covers Hushes body, turning him into a giant dark version of Spider-Bat's black suit, with claws, razor sharp teeth and a long tongue.

"We will have vengeance- ON SPIDER-BAT!" They proclaim.

The next morning Peter wakes up, seeing Ben and Jill looking at him from the side of his bed.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" Peter jokingly asks, slowly getting up from bed.

"We're just checking on you sir."

Peter smiles.

"I'm fine, Ben. I'm just a little tired. But I am glad you both are here. I owe you two an apology, I treated you guys horribly. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Peter. It wasn't you, it was the suit. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Peter thinks for a moment, staring out of the window.

"But it was me though. My anger, my frustration... The suit just enhanced what was already there." Peter says.

Ben then puts his hand on Peter's shoulder.

'We all have darkness inside of us sir. But we can choose whether or not to let it define who we are." Ben says.

Peter smiles and nods. He then makes a realization.

"Oh God. Andrea, she got shot last night-"

"Easy Peter, she's safe at home. The bullet just grazed her arm, nothing serious."

Peter sighs out of relief.

"Thank God. I should call her though. I owe her an apology too."

Peter grabs the phone and dials as Jill and Ben leave the room, peaking outside of the door. When Peter hears her voice say "hello" he pauses for a moment.

"Hey its- me, it's Peter."

Andrea pauses for a moment.

"Hey Tiger." She says with a very somber voice.

"I wanted to check in on you, after last night, see how you were doing. Are you ok?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have few stitches and some pain killers so I'm just dandy."

Peter chuckles with Andrea for a moment, the first laugh they share in awhile.

"I also wanted to call to apologize for how I've been acting."

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