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In the cave, Peter sits alone, trying to decompress everything that has happened with the court of owls, Harry, and Felicia. Ben then walks up next to him, worried about the young man.

"Are you alright sir? I'm worried about the toll these past few days have taken on you, both physically and mentally."

Peter sits in silence for a moment.

"I have to be. For New York. The court needs to be stop."

"And what about Harry, Master Peter?"

Peter doesn't answer for a moment.

"I want to help. Make things right between us, but- I'm not sure that I can. Not right now at least. Right now I have to focus on stopping the court of owls."

"Understood, sir." Ben says.

At that moment Peter gets a call from Lincoln Smythe.

"Hey Lincoln. Sorry I haven't been answering your calls, I was-"

"Nevermind that, are you watching the news right now?" Lincoln asks.

Peter is confused.

"News? No, why what's going on?" Peter asks.

"It's Harry, he's lost it, I tried to stop him but I couldn't talk him out of it."

"Out of what?" Peter asks.

"Just- see for yourself." Lincoln says hanging up.

Peter quickly turns on the news in the cave and sees Harry talking at a press conference.

"Recent evidence and allegations have given me no choice but to seize the Parker Estate. So the corrupt wealth of New York's elite can go to the better purpose of protecting New York's common man. Parker has twenty four hours to evacuate his property and turn it over to the city- or he will be removed."

"This is ridiculous." Ben says.

"I knew Harry was upset, but to make a false claim like this. He's definitely fallen off the deep end."

"You can't let him throw us out on the street."

Peter thinks for a moment.

"I have to talk to him." Peter says.

"Alright, just be careful. He may not be the same friend you once knew." Ben says.

Peter nods and leaves while Ben looks at a picture of the two boys when they were teenagers.

Meanwhile Harry stands on the roof of City Hall, flipping his coin.

"I don't know if that was the right thing to do. Why did I do that?... Don't screw this up, Harry."

Peter then slowly approaches his friend.

"Harry? We need to talk." Peter says.

Harry scowls at Peter.

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