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Peter puts on a hoodie and his custom made web shooters. He runs up a wall then shoots a web, swinging to where the abandoned building is. In the building, the man who shot Peter's parents quickly baracades himself in the building, making sure no one can get in. He then runs upstairs and stares out of the window seeing nothing but police officers and vehicles. The man then hears a loud crash downstairs, startling him.

"Who's there?!" He yells, aiming his gun in the darkness.

Peter then comes up from behind him, not making a sound.

"You took the lives of two good people tonight."

The man quickly swings the gun behind him and shoots, but Peter easily dodges the bullets then quickly grabs his wrist, snapping it and causing him to drop the gun. As the man screams out in pain, Peter punches him to the ground.

"And I'm going to make you pay for it." Peter says.

The criminal gets back to his feet and pulls out a knife with his good hand. He swings the knife at the angry young man, but Peter easily dodges. He then kicks the man so hard in the gut that he goes flying into a wall. Peter grabs the murderer by the shirt and starts hitting him over and over again, beating him half to death. He then throws into the window, cracking it.

"Come on man, please just let me go, I'm just trying to get by!"

Peter grits his teeth, getting even angrier.

"Did they beg? Did they beg you to let them go? To live, huh? Answer me!"

Peter pushes him straight through the window, holding him over the edge, threatening to drop him. As the criminal screams, Peter sees the fear in his eyes, feeling conflicted about droping him.

"I should drop you. Take from you what you took from them."

After a few moments pass, Peter tosses him to the ground inside of the building.

"But they wouldn't approve. Because with great power comes great responsibility." He says.

At that moment, police officers come in and sees the criminal beaten and bloody on the ground with no one else in site. Later as Ben watches the news about the Parkers killer being arrested, Peter walks into the house. He doesn't say a word, as Ben stands up from his chair.

"Master Peter."

Peter stops but doesn't turn around.

"I'm going to bed, Ben."

Peter walks upstairs, as Ben is left feeling sorrowful. The next day, Peter walks through the hall as all the students stare at him and whisper among them. As Peter goes to open his locker, he is approached by Flash Thompson.

"Hey, Parker."

Peter doesn't answer for a moment, feeling annoyed just by hearing Flash's voice.

"Not today, Flash."

"Come on man, I just want to talk."

When Flash puts his hand on his shoulder, Peter grabs him by the shirt, lifts him up in the air and pins him against the locker, with anger in his eyes. Everyone stares, including Gwen whose walking down the hallway.

"Look. I...I heard about your parents. I'm sorry- I'm really am."

Peter's anger soon turns into sadness, as he slowly let's go of Flash and starts to cry. He then grabs his backpack and whips his tears away while he walks off. Gwen steps infront of the broken young man.

"Peter." Gwen says.

Gwen doesn't know what to say and just hugs him. Peter buries his head into her shoulder but soon pulls away and leaves the school. Harry then walks up beside Gwen.

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