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One night, eight years after the Goblins rampage and Gwen Stacy's death, Commissioner Stacy is on top of the NYPD precinct, shining the Spider-Bat signal in the sky. Later Renee Montoya joins him with two cups of coffee.

"Ever intending to go home again, Commissioner?" Montoya asks, handing him one of the cups.

George chuckles, taking the cup from her.

"I'd just be going home to an empty house and a full bottle, detective." Stacy replies, still feeling the loss of his daughter.

Montoya let's a brief moment of silence pass between them, then looks at the signal up in the sky.

"So he hasn't shown up yet?" She asks.

"He often doesn't. I just like reminding everybody he's out there."

"Why wouldn't he come?"

"Hopefully... because he's busy."

Meanwhile, on the streets of New York, everyone sees the signal in the sky. People like Police Officers, kids, and other innocent citizens are excited it, while other people, thugs, drug dealers, and petty crooks are terrified at the sight of it.

At that moment, gunshots and a bank alarm are heard and three men with ski masks come outside. At that moment, one of them looks up at the sky and sees the signal as well.

"Oh shit." He says, confusing the other two robbers.

Soon they all are looking up at the sky, feeling immediate terror.

"Damn, we gotta go, we gotta go now." One of the other robbers says.

Before they can get into the getaway car, two cops soon turn the corner.

"Hey! Stop right there!" One of the cops demand.

The three robbers start to run away, through the crowd on the sidewalk as the two cops chases after them. As they are running, one of the robbers let's off a shot that hits one of the cops in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground. The other cop quickly checks on her partner.

"I'm fine, I'm wearing a vest! Keep going, I'll catch up, just go!" Her partner yells.

The cop nods and chases after the three, soon catching up to them. She then tackles one them to the ground, while the other two keeps running. She quickly gets to her feet and pulls out her gun.

"Drop the gun!" She yells.

The robber slowly gets to his knees and drops his gun. He then slowly starts to get to his feet, making the feel tense.

"Get on the ground, right-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the robber swings the briefcase of money behind him, hitting the cop in the face and knocking her to the ground. As the cop is on her knees, the robber grabs her gun and aims it right at her head with a smile.

"Say goodnight, sweetheart." He says.

The cop puts her hands up slowly and closes her eyes, trying to prepare herself for the bullet. Before a shot can be fired, a web sticks to the robbers back and he gets pulled into the darkness, kicking and screaming. As gun shots and sounds of a struggle are heard in the darkness, the cop slowly approaches the dark area that she hears the noise from.

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