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As The Goblin is taken back to Arkham Asylum, he is put in a cell across from his son Harry Osborne, otherwise known as Two Face.

"Hey sport! Papas home!" He says with the same pycho laugh.

Harry doesn't acknowledge his father and just flips his coin. Norman then thinks to himself for a moment.

"Harry, my boy... I was a terrible father, wasn't I?" He asks.

"Yep." Harry says instantly.

The Goblin laughs.

"That's fair. I'm sorry for that, kiddo."

At that moment, Harry stops flipping his coin in shock as he hears his father apologies for the first time ever. He looks over at his father's cell, still seeing the same, sick smile on his face but hears the sincerity in his words. He tgen flips his coin and when it lands, he scowls at his father.

"It's too late for that, old man." Harry says.

Norman starts to laugh again.

"Yes, yes I guess it is." The Goblin says through his laughter.

At that moment, a blonde haired woman with glasses approaches Osborne's cell.

"It's good to have you back Mr. Osborne. I missed you." She says with a genuine smile.

Osborne is intrigued by this.

"Well- hello Dr."

"Harleen. Harleen Quinzel."

The Goblins grin just gets even bigger.

"Mind if I call you- Harley?" He asks.

Harleen giggles then walks away.

"Harry, my boy. Your old man still got it." Norman says.

Meanwhile Peter Parker walks into Jill Stacy hospital room and sees Jill getting used to her wheelchair while Commissioner Stacy sitting in a chair watching with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"Hey Pete." Jill says with an exhausted smile.

"Hi Jill. Commissioner Stacy. I wanted to see how you guys were holding up."

The two of them doesn't answer for a moment, As Commissioner Stacy slowly stands up, walks over and puts his hand on his Nieces shoulder.

"We'll- be ok." He says with a smile.

Stacy then leaves the room to go get something from the vending machine. As George leaves, Peter sighs and kneels down to Jill.

"Jill. I am so sorry." Peter says.

"Peter... This is not your fault."

Peter doesn't reply for a moment.

"He could've killed you... He could've killed Commissioner Stacy... He could have killed Andrea and those kids. I should have- I should have ended all of this. Permanently. I let this happen."

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