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One night, a man is dragged into a warehouse and put on his knees, covered in bruises.

"The hell is this?" The man demands to know.

At that moment, a short man, wearing a fancy suit and a monocle, with a flat, large head, and a umbrella in hand steps out of the shadows.

"Cobblepot? What's going on?"

Oswald Cobblepot( also known as the hammer head penguin) grins devilishly.

"Call it a- change in management, Tony. Falcone is locked up, but business must go on. Someone needs to step up and takeover." Cobblepot says.

Tony scoffs

"You think you can takeover until Falcone gets out?" Tony asks.

Oswald laughs.

"Falcone is not getting out. I was thinking I'd take a more- permanent role in this organization."

Tony spits on Cobblepots expensive shoes.

"Fuck you Cobblepot. Falcone gave me everything, I won't betray him."

Penguin sighs, slowly walking over to Tony.

"I was afraid you'd say something stupid like that."

Cobblepot then lands a headbutt that splits Tony's skull in half, blood dripping from his eyes and nose, killing him instantly. The Penguin pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood from his forehead.

"Pass along the message. Anyone still loyal to Falcone will end up like Tony over here."

"Yeah, sure boss. But- Falcone isn't our only problem."

"Ah yes, this Spider-Bat fellow." Penguin replies.

"He took down Falcone, and is still cracking down on our guys."

"Well, we'll just have to squash the bug, won't we?" Oswald says.

Meanwhile, Peter and Gwen are walking together.

"The city looks so nice at night." Gwen says.

"Yeah, it was the second thing I missed the most when I was gone." Peter says.

"What was the first thing?" Gwen asks.

Peter turns to her and smiles


When he says this, Gwen smiles while blushing, brushing her hair behind her ear. Soon they make it to the Stacy's front door.

"Well, this is me. I had a really good time tonight." Gwen says.

"Yeah, I did too."

The two stare into each others eyes, both of them leaning in for a kiss but get inturupted by Commissioner Stacy opening the door.

"Dad- hi." Gwen says with a guilty grin.

"Hey Commissioner." Peter says.

"Hey kids, looks like you two had fun. Gwen, I have to go to work right now, you know the drill, go inside and lock the doors. Peter, I can drop you off on the way if you want."

"No thanks sir, I'll just take the bus."

"Ok, be safe."

"I will sir. Bye Gwen, I'll call you later."

"You better." Gwen jokingly says.

Peter smiles and walks away as George Stacy drives off. He checks to see if he's alone then puts a ear piece that's linked to a police scanner, finding out that a body was found at the docks. Peter takes off his glasses and pulls off his shirt to reveal the Spider-Bat suit. At the docks Commissioner Stacy, detective Harvey Bullock, and detective Renee Montoya are all standing infront of Tony's body.

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